Saturday, March 7, 2009

Alien email exchange

Question: Do you think it is wrong to mess with some poor guy in Nigeria by telling him that I'm an alien who is sending a UFO to his house to alter his mind?

The Association has reviewed your request and we find that you are of entirely human origin. Both of your parents were human, so you do not qualify to join our group. But, we are surprised that you have found out about us. We may send a ship to change some memories in your brain tonight. Sorry about that. You won't feel a thing. Do not try to stay up all night. Others have tried. It won't work. We have better technology than you think.

The Alientology Association

--- On Sat, 3/7/09, kevin wrote:

Subject: request to join alientology association


Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 12:21 PM

Dear Sir

I'm a young civil engineer in west africa, in a country called Benin, just beside Nigeria. I have a great interest for space alien affairs and their agenda on earth; I would like to shear knowledge, documents , news and ideas about alientology. Please i will be very geatful if my request is granted. cordially


Ram Venkatararam said...

Wrong? Perhaps. But based on the number of hilarious emails I get from Nigerian Bankers, it would appear the folks there have a sense of humour.

Alien Species - The Orange EBEN | Contact Cases | Discount Contact Cases said...

[...] Alien email sell « Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff) [...]

Alien email exchange, part II « Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff) said...

[...] This is a follow up of my previous email conversation with someone in Nigeria. [...]