Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fish with human faces spotted in South Korea

A fish with a human face is making waves in South Korea.The 'humanoid' carp are attracting attention in the town of Chongju, South Korea.A fish with a human face is making waves in South Korea. The 'humanoid' carp are attracting attention in the town of Chongju, where they live in a small pond. They are believed to be hybrid descendants of two carp species - the carp and the leather carpThe "humanoid" carp are attracting attention in the town of Chongju in the centre of the country where they live in a small pond.

They are believed to be hybrid descendants of two carp species – the carp and the leather carp, also known as a tangerine fish.

Both fish are females and more than three feet long. They appear to have distinctive human noses, eyes and lips.

The fish live in a pond behind the home of a 64-year old South Korean man and have been there since 1986 although their looks are only just starting to attract attention.

"My fish have been getting more and more human for the past couple of years," the owner said.

He added that he knows of other fish with similar features, and as they are both females it will be impossible for them to breed and have fish-faced offspring. Fish with human faces spotted in South Korea - Telegraph.

A fish with a human face is making waves in South Korea. The 'humanoid' carp are attracting attention in the town of Chongju, where they live in a small pond. They are believed to be hybrid descendants of two carp species

via Telegraph

Well, sort of human looking.  A little bit. Not very much.

A fish that has a pattern resembling a human face on its body was found in a pond in Chongju, South Korea, according to a Local 6 News report. The news of a fish with a human face spread to South Korea through the Internet after a Japanese sports tabloid reported on the unusual fish.A South Korean newspaper then carried an article about the fish in South Korea. The fish is the result of artificial insemination between a carp and ayu sweetfish. As the fish grew larger, the design on the fish reportedly changed to look more like the face of a human being.Rare markings on a fish are considered a good omen in some Asian countries, according to a report.Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

- via clickorlando


Silkyray said...

I used to raise koi and this happens a lot more then you think. The south Koren's must have had a slow news day. I used to cross Koi with comet gold fish and get all sorts of crazy hybrid patterns. With selective breading you can reproduce this again and again.

“A man, or rather a monster, Half man and half fish, coming from the sea, appeared near Babylon; he had two heads; one, which was the highest, resembled that of man, the other that of a fish. He had the feet of a man, and the tail of a fish; and his speech and voice resembled that of a man: a representation of him is still preserved. This monster dwelt by day with men, but took no food; he gave them knowledge of letters, arts, and sciences; he taught them to build towers and temples; and to establish laws; he instructed them in the principles of geometry; taught them to sow, and to gather the fruits of the earth; in short, whatever could contribute to polish and civilize their manners. At sun set he retired to the sea, in which he passed the night. There appeared likewise others of the same species.”

Berossus, from ancient fragments (Isaac Preston Cory)

juani said...

f- you its not even real....what is that?!?!? its only fish thats all... nothing else

Xeno said...

Yes, they are only a fish, Juani, but they have markings which resemble a human face. I've added some more photos and links.

David said...

And they know him as......Larry King.