Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Drilling under the Sphinx (Featuring Dr. Zahi Hawass)

There are no hidden tunnels or chambers under the sphinx - Dr Zahi HawassA new video on YouTube features Dr Zahi Hawass and Dr Mark Lehner discussing the recent drilling under the Great Sphinx at Giza on-site during the project. The testing was ostensibly done to establish whether the monument is at risk from the rising water table, though much of this video seems aimed at debunking the 'New Age' claims that there is a secret chamber beneath the Sphinx's paw.Interesting that Mark Lehner mentions these 'New Age' claims, and that he started work at the Great Sphinx with Zahi in 1978, without mentioning that he began his work there looking for those exact chambers through his association with the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE).  ...

via Daily Grail Frontpage | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History.

Also see:
Mark Lehner first went to Egypt in the 1970s to study at the American University in Cairo and to search for the Hall of Records that psychic Edgar Cayce had prophesied lay beneath the Sphinx. He later turned to the scientific method of discovery in order to understand the culture better, returning some years later to complete a doctorate degree at Yale University. Lehner's 1991 dissertation was titled 'Archaeology of an image: The Great Sphinx of Giza'. - heritage-key

I spoke to Zahi Hawass and the audience about the supposed Hall of Records under the Sphinx when he came to Sacramento, CA years ago.  I'd read the article about his presentation and also an article in the same magazine about a supposed Hall of Records being discovered. I took the time to contact someone mentioned in the article and learned that the person mentioned disavowed what was written about him. That is what I shared with the audience. Zahi said the same thing to the audience then:  Sorry, no hidden chambers under the sphinx. Also, he shared with us that he let some people examine his bathroom to be sure there was no secret passage from there leading to into the pyramids.  ... But he did have some interesting pictures from the newly discovered Valley of the Golden Mummies.

I found these illustrations interesting.


K. Margiani said...

The megalithic complex of the Giza sacred to last global deluge in 10,465B.C. To explain each periodical global deluge we have additional proofs as well. There are discovered shift and reversal of the magnetic poles by many scientists. Scientific falsifications are interrelated to the wrong authorities and they have the ostrich position against my discoveries but the reversal events have been discovered by best scientists, best intellectuals of the world. The reversal event has an interesting and only explanation. These events are the proofs about powerful liquid waves within outer nucleus. Only one force of the universe can do it. This is an amazing geological force EB geo-transfer. It causes penetration or rapid movement the outer nucleus masses under the crust and mantle plumes, powerful liquid waves within Magma Ocean, deformation all over the crust, kilometers high tsunamis and shifting all lithosphere platforms over the 1000-1500km. Shift of the geographical poles are discovered by many scientists as well. shift of all lithosphere platforms over the 1000-1500km means drifting of the continents for few days over the 1000-1500km. Only one force of the universe can do something like this - powerful liquid waves under the crust, within Magma Ocean.
Thus future of the modern geology is that Gradualism + catastrophic plate tectonics [periodical global deluges all over the earth]. It means that every 7,000-13,000 years runaway subduction and drifting of the continents for few days over the 1000-1500km.
Best wishes,
K. Margiani
Founder new field of science Cosmogeology

K. Margiani said...

The Egyptology – pseudoscientific field.
I’m very sorry but this is the truth. Modern Egyptology is died and needs to be recovered from the new roots. Triumph of the false degrees and false authorities have already produced dead full crisis in the historical sciences as well. Who is the blame?
1. For decades falsification of the mankind’s history by false degrees.
2. Lots of “researches” on ancient history, written for the money, not for the truth.
3. The false dating for the pre-flood (before 10,465 B.C.) and post-flood megalithic constructions.
4. Absolutely ignorance of the geological data in dating for the pre-flood (before 10,465 B.C.) and post-flood megalithic constructions.
5. Non-scientific hysteria in the mass-media against true discoveries on forgotten greatest history.
6. An amazing discoveries by Rene Schwaller de Lubicz, John Anthony West, Dr. Robert shock, Graham Hancock, Prof. Charles H. Hapgood, William Niven and other intellectuals including my ground breaking investigations.
7. Silence by many Egyptologists about the amazing discoveries.
8. Selective investigations with disappearance of the many unacceptable data.
Falsification of the greatest pre-flood and post-flood history, mainly began by first Egyptologists and have come to the extreme limit by modern Egyptologists led by greatest false-makers and false authorities of the historical sciences: Dr. Zahi Hawass and Dr . Mark Lehner. Restoration date of the pre-flood and post-flood megalithic construction does not mean that the amazing artifacts have been built at the dynastic epoch?????
I’m ready to defend each my word in the debates or in the law-court. I’ve ordered the place in the “scientific graveyard” for the Egyptology. An amazing truth on pre-flood and post-flood history is decoded and all old books on history should be edited to rewrite…
Position of the “Ostriches’ and ignorantes’ ” have already killed the science and the Egyptology is "rotten to the bones".
I’m vary sorry once again on my world announcement – Egyptology as a science has already DIED!…
K. Margiani
Founder new field of science Cosmogeology

Xeno said...

Zahii seemed legit when I talked to him years ago. What observable facts back up your assertion of a cover up?

K. Margiani said...

All well-known pyramids of Egypt are sacred to Atlantis people, to revere souls of the Atlantis people. Additionally the Giza complex exactly indicates the astronomical date of the deluge (10,465B.C.). Symbolical graves in the pyramids have been sacred to victims, to their souls. The treasures, things and tools in the closed rooms of the pyramids are the heavenly gifts for the souls.
Best wishes,

K. Margiani
Founder new field of science Cosmogeology

Xeno said...

Thanks. What is the evidence for this? How do you arrive at that date?

Xeno said...

Is it a coincidence that "Atlantis" sounds a lot like the "Atlantic" ocean? ;-)

K. Margiani said...

Xeno, I wish you all the best!
Atlantis had been sunken in the Atlantic Ocean in 10,465 B.C.
There are many left-handed individuals in the Indo-European race still and among the Negroids as well.
Ruler most powerful modern country is left-handed individual – Obama.
Wandering genes of the left-handed race have many individuals of the world.
These genes are dispersed in the Indo-European race mainly.
Suddenly these genes can explode in your generation, please don’t wonder!
Please don’t wonder if you are an assimilated individual of the natural left-handed race from Atlantis.
Etymology of the word Atlantian came from Atl-atum “souls of water”
Most famous pre-flood joke was that – “Even the blood is a blue”
Name of A member of the aristocracy came from Atlantis – “Blue-blooded”
Elites of the almost all countries; kings, queens, priests, aristocracy…etc came from Atlantis.
Everything started from the pre-flood agriculture development worldwide.
Name of the Atlantic Ocean is interrelated to Atlantis
Best wishes
K. Margiani
Founder new field of science Cosmogeology

Cheng said...

I'm a bit confused. If the earth's entire crust shifted 1000-1500km in a few days, I would think that would be pretty devastating. Like large portions of it melting. The oceans boiling off etc. Yet the surviving Atlantians rebuilt the pyramids in just 65 years.
Now that's impressive.

Nice that we're still using their calendar though and it coincides with the Gregorian one.

Sam said...

Amen, Cheng! These advanced people were so smart they built their advanced civilization on a rift. Good for them, the geniuses. I suppose there could have been an "Atlantis," but you've gotta throw out that "advanced" BS. Probably had a nice little place going on until something crashed their party. Imagine the effect of the Japan Tsunami on such a place. Easy to imagine something like that happening, but sheesh, I've about had it with all the hokum about "Atlantians" being some sort of advanced civilization.

Didn't you like his signature? "Founder new field of science Cosmogeology." More like the "Founder old field of Bull-____."