Friday, October 8, 2010

Electric shock treatment 'can cure memory loss', scientists claim

Measuring brain waves with EEG machine: Electric shock treatment 'cures memory loss', scientists claimAndrew Hough - Researchers found that a tiny surge of power to parts of the brain can improve recall memory by 11 per cent.

The treatment stimulates certain neurons in the brain so when a person tries to retrieve a name from their brain, they suddenly start working,

If developed it could provide treatment for stroke victims as well as people whose memory fades through other ailments or even old age.

The study, from Temple University, Philadelphia, could also offer solutions to those who suffer the embarrassing situation of forgetting a person’s name ...

They found the electrical stimulation increased memory by 11 per cent but only for up to an hour after the treatment was given.

The study did not say how the treatment could be administered on a regular basis.

via Electric shock treatment 'can cure memory loss', scientists claim - Telegraph.

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