Sunday, March 9, 2008

Xeno's 1 in 300,000 Sunday Driving Coincidence


Okay, what are the odds of this? My guess is 1 in 300,000.

I'm driving to another city at about 3:10 PM on Sunday in the afternoon to rehearse with my band and I see a sports car with a license plate that says "IM VEGAN". I drive by and wave because I dated a vegan for several years. (If you don't know what a vegan is, read about it here.)

We have a nice mellow rehearsal, no time pressure, it is just over when we are done. Then I drive down town and randomly pick a place to eat. Nice mellow dinner, again, I just leave when I'm done, not watching the clock at all.

Odd coincidence
Originally uploaded by xeno735

Then, 5 hours later as I am driving home, I find myself behind the exact same car going in the other direction. Traffic is very thick at this time so this seems really amazing. On I-80 one section carries 300,000 cars per day... and here I am once again, behind the same car.

This happened on the first day I figured out how to upload pictures automatically from my cell phone to my blog. I just happened to take a photo of the car with my cell phone the first time I saw it too.

The second time the people in the car waved back.

1 comment:

intensive driving said...

Now, what are the odds that the people in the other car will get to hear that you've mentioned them and get in touch with you...
Please, let us know if they do :)