Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Places on Earth where death is illegal

Prohibition of death is a political social phenomenon and taboo in which a law is passed stating that it is illegal to die, usually specifically in a certain political division or in a specific building.

The earliest case of prohibition of death occurred in the 5th century BC, in the Greek island of Delos; dying on Delos was prohibited on religious grounds.

Today, in most cases, the phenomenon has occurred as a satirical protest to the posture of the governments of not approving the expansion of municipal cemeteries with no more space for additional corpses. In Spain one town has prohibited death, in France there have been several settlements which have had death prohibited, whilst in a town—Biritiba Mirim—in Brazil, an attempt to prohibit is currently taking place.

Additionally, there is a traditional prohibition on recording deaths in royal palaces in the United Kingdom, for rather different reasons.

via World around us: Prohibition of death - There are really some places where death is illegal.

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