"I was in Intelligence for a long time, military intelligence. I was in the War. It is logical, not just military thinking, but as logical thinking, that there was never a successful military occupation or adventure where prior to the invasion or prior to the mass landing there were not agents sent ahead. This is standard practice. In Germany we and the British inserted Americans and we inserted British who looked like the Germans and spoke their language. In Japan we inserted them, but we had agents in their country exactly the same as we have agents behind the Iron Curtain now.
The main purpose of these people is to be as exactly like the natives as possible and yet the fact of life, the fact of military logic, the fact of cultural logic -and especially since they have not been hostile - dictates that there would be, if they are humanoid , that there can be humanoids picked out since the range of size and shape and color on this planet covers almost the entire spectrum.
“It almost dictates the fact that there would be agents of the space people, wherever they come from, living among us at the present time and having been here over the last hundred years."
Was he speaking speculatively, or is this a revelation that aliens have been among us for a long time?
Excuse me, Xeno, dare I be so crude to say this, but the photo you [?] chose to represent an alien to "blend" into a group of humans isn't - how should I say this - isn't a good choice. I think the image in the photo might be spotted in a crowd of humans from several meters off as being, at least, different.
But, then, on second thought:
Speaking of infiltrating the human community, the well-known UFO researcher as well as physician-psychiatrist, Herbert Hopkins, and his daughter-in-law had quite interesting experiences with entities that could only be described as ... well, at least, very strange, if not "alien," in the most extreme sense of the word.
An "alien" male arrived to Dr. Hopkins' front door early one evening when he happened to be alone. The man was dressed in an immaculate, unwrinkled black suit, black tie and shoes, but was completely hairless, even without eyebrows. His skin was "dead white" and his lips were bright red. During the course of the short meeting the man wiped his lips with his suede glove, which he was wearing, and Dr. Hopkins was "astonished" to see a bit of, what appeared to be, lipstick had stained the glove.
Only a few days later Dr. Hopkins' daughter-in-law, Maureen, was visited a very strange couple, a man and woman. They appeared to be in their 30s and wore, what was described as, "old fashion" clothes. The woman seemed anatomically unusual in that her breasts were set lower on her torso than normal. And, there was also something odd about the way her legs were attached to her hips. Both the man and woman took very short steps as they walked.
The couple said that they had an appointment to meet Maureen's husband who was not home at the time. They asked if they could wait for him in Maureen's home. Maureen cordially agreed. And, she offered them Coca-cola, which they accepted, but did not drink. While they sat on a couch in Maureen's living room the male began asking Maureen some weird questions: if Maureen and her husband watched television often, did they read a lot, what did they talk about. At the same time, as he was asking these questions, the man was "pawing and fondling" his female companion and even asked if it was all right to do so. Then, after a short while, the woman stood up and announced that she wanted to leave. The couple then walked in a straight line toward the front door and left, never to be heard from again.
Curious, huh?
[From "Agents of the Dark" in Unexplained Mysteries, 1981: 526-27]
Great weird story. :-)
It's refreshing to see more xeno on the xenophilia blog
Gotta wonder what was really happening during the Norwood Ohio UFO incident of 1949, which in fact actually took place just south of Wright Patterson AFB, in which an enormous 'mother ship' hovered over the area for several months emitting streams of small satellite objects. What kind of ET operation would require a time period of several months to complete? Maybe, just maybe, infiltration of the local natives for the purpose of monitoring the back-engineering program at the Air Force base.
Months? What is the source of this claim?
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