Monday, July 17, 2006

Gigantic yellow jacket nests turning up in south Alabama

To the bafflement of insect experts, gigantic yellow jacket nests have 9506963.jpgstarted turning up in old barns, unoccupied houses, cars and underground cavities across the southern two-thirds of Alabama. Specialists say it could be the result of a mild winter and drought conditions, or multiple queens forcing worker yellow jackets to enlarge their quarters so the queens will be in separate areas.

But experts haven't determined exactly what's behind the surprisingly large nests. ... At one site in Barbour County, the nest was as large as a Volkswagen Beetle ... Entomologist Dr. Charles Ray at the Alabama Cooperative Extension System in Auburn said he's aware of about 16 of what he described as "super-sized" nests in south Alabama. -

Obviously they are preparing to battle the humans for the planet. Freaky.

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