Thursday, October 19, 2006

Alien visitee, Dracula’s son, and Oil Company meet in environmental lawsuit.

The oil company probably hired the aliens to discredit their former safety expert. Dracula's son is obviously in league with the aliens.
Some attorneys might shy away from using a witness who says he has been abducted by bizarre creatures that repeatedly return at night to poke tiny holes in his chest. But a Santa Barbara County prosecutor said Wednesday that he intends to present testimony from just such a witness next week in a civil case against the owner of the county's largest land-based oil and gas producer.... Still, the company's attorneys seemed to welcome accounts by prosecution witness Gary Lowrey of nocturnal drop-ins by weird ? possibly alien ? creatures and hemisphere-shaped machines.


In court documents, Lowrey, the company's former safety manager, also told of finding a mysterious "claw" hooked into a green towel in his closet, along with footprints on a sheet of aluminum foil that he had laid out in hopes of securing clues about his visitors."Here's their most important witness, and the D.A. is buying into it, saying that none of this affects his credibility," said Bela G. Lugosi, an attorney for Greka and son of the actor best known for playing Count Dracula. - latimes

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