Sunday, May 30, 2010

On Vacation

Hi. Few posts until Tuesday as I'm doing some sightseeing. Can you tell where these iPhone photos were taken? ( more to come )


jessy hoffman said...

The rosicrucian museum! the flashlights might be from the sarah winchester collection... great trip if I'm right!

Xeno said...

Right on, you got it. A lot of fun so far and I'm learning some interesting things.

Quiz: What happens to the earth about every 25,800 years?

jessy hoffman said...

The planets align and earths poles shift... Such fun. I'ld love to know about all the back-room dealings that had to happen for the Rosicrucians "acquire" such an impressive collection... Find out for us Xeno!

Gareth said...

Please enlighten the unintiated, just what 'is' the rosicrucian museum

Gareth said...

How very interesting. I would like to go there myself. Thanks for telling us of this.