You may know that we are made of atoms, and that atoms are made of protons and neutrons in a nucleus, surrounded by a cloud of electrons, but what if we keep going?
Protons are made of quarks. So are neutrons. Electrons have no known sub-particles or structure. If you blow up a proton or neutron, you would find quarks with gluons interacting between them. What are quarks (blue, green and red in the illustration below) made of? If string theory is correct, quarks are made of tiny vibrating strings of energy. The differences in the six types of quarks do suggest that they have constituents.
At this level, luxon theory kicks in. Luxon theory is a new theory where each particle with rest mass (tardyons) consists of particles with light velocity (luxons).
The luxon theory states an inner movement in common bodies with the velocity of light!
This seems to be a very uncommon statement.
Nevertheless, it is confirmed by the standard model of the proton and the neutron. These elementary particles have an inner movement with the velocity of light. Their inner gluons move with the velocity of light.
... The independent existence of two basically different types of matter is the ultimate mystery of modern physics.
There are luxons, there are tardyons.
"Luxons" are all particles which always move with the velocity of light in empty space. These are every type of electromagnetic radiation, gluons and maybe gravitons.
"Tardyons" are all particles which always move with a velocity below the velocity of light. These are protons, electrons, muons, atoms - the common matter we already know.
Particles are either luxons or tardyons. These are the two principal types of particles. The special theory of relativity differentiates only between luxons and tardyons.
... The proton is made of two "u" (up) quarks and one "d" (down) quark, and the neutron of one "u" and two "d" quarks. The rest-masses of the proton and neutron are 938.3 and 939.6 MeV units. The units are the equivalent energies in mega-electron volts.
The quarks are held together by the exchange of objects called gluons.
The velocity of these gluons is v = 299.792.458 m/s = c (the velocity of light).
Gluons are luxons!
The standard model says: Only 1.88 % of a man is rest mass. 98.12% is something else. The luxon theory says: 0% of a man is rest mass. 100% is luxon inertia. ...
While you are chewing on that... What about gravity? Remember there are only luxons and tardyons. A boson is a type of luxon. A gauge boson is boson that is a carrier of a fundamental force of nature. In the Standard Model, there are three kinds of gauge bosons, corresponding to the electromagnetic (includes photons of light), strong and weak forces. Gravity may be caused by a boson called a graviton. They move faster than light, and/or in a different dimension. Scientists at the LHC are searching for gravitons, among other things. (Note: recent discovery: When present, gravity reduces electromagnetic charge at the atomic scale. )
How does the Higgs Boson, the God particle figure into the picture?
The Higgs boson can accommodate the masses of fundamental particles, which would otherwise be massless (luxons) due to the underlying symmetry of the Standard Model. (Higgs Physics Group at DØ) (mirror)
"The particle called Higgs boson is in fact the quantum of one of the components of a Higgs field. In empty space, the Higgs field acquires a non-zero value, which permeates every place in the universe at all times. The vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the Higgs field is constant and equal to 246 GeV. The existence of this non-zero VEV plays a fundamental role: it gives mass to every elementary particle, including to the Higgs boson itself." (Wikepedia) (mirror)
"The idea that mass is not intrinsic like charge or spin is made even more plausible by the idyllic notion of zero mass for all quarks and leptons. In this case, they would obey a satisfying symmetry, chiral symmetry, in which their spins would forever be associated with their direction of motion." (Leon Lederman: The god particle)'
I'll pay more attention when we figure out how to turn gravity on and off. I do like the idea that we are mostly or entirely composed of little particles spinning at the speed of light.
This makes me wonder yet again, just how fast are we going. We live on the earth and it spins. The earth orbits the sun. The sun is in a spinning galaxy. The galaxy is on the move as well. Do we speed up and slow down on a daily, yearly and who know how often cycle? How would this relate to our "rate of time" experiance. It just seems that today it would take a man a week to do the same work my grandfather could do in a day. Seems we experiance time at a faster rate then he did. Ask any person over the age of 80 and they will tell you the same thing.
RJ :-)
All this moving about kind of makes one a bit dizzy, huh?
"It just seems that today it would take a man a week to do the same work my grandfather could do in a day." - this is interesting. Please explain, because, according to technocrats and the like, we're supposed be doing things much faster than the past, when measured by the clock.
But, are you talking about our experience of time? It's because we are experiencing time going by faster, as a kind of backdrop of all we do, and therefore our experience of the things we do appear to be done more slowly?
Everything is about time space distortion . All that is perceived is a series of ripples in time/space . Light speed is the metronome . Solidness is an illusion . Gravity is time/spaces attempt to pull back into sink what is displaced by mass ( displacement of time space ) Everything is about balance of space/time. Without balance everything ceases to exist .Think of existence as a bunch of springs that connect everything . Compress a spring and it has an effect on everything around it .Light is similar to a sound shock wave , a ripple in time/Space . Therefore everything is a ripple in time/space.
Hmmm I don't think you would notice a fluctuation in time, without some gadget anyhow, because we only experience one point of time and have nothing to compare our time rate to. 80 years would still be 80 years for you even if it seemed fast or slow to an outside observer, you would not know any different.
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