Friday, March 10, 2006

Fusion on Earth: Ripping a Hole in Time?

I have a hunch they've opened a hole in time but they don't know it yet. That's what caused the unexplainable effects when temperatures hotter than the inside of a star were generated in New Mexico.
"Z, housed in an inconspicuous building about the size of a high school gymnasium in the high desert of New Mexico, directs brief powerful bursts of electricity at targets about the size of a spool of thread." - sandia

Last year, when physicists placed a capsule of deuterium, or heavy hydrogen, at the focus of the [Melissa Douglas]z-pinch, they detected neutrons flying out from the implosion site ? a signal that fusion reactions were taking place, as they do in the sun. If researchers can learn to tame these fusion reactions, the setup can rely on a seemingly endless supply of deuterium fuel in seawater. - livesci

Thermonuclear explosions are estimated to reach only tens to hundreds of millions of degrees Kelvin; other nuclear fusion experiments have achieved temperatures of about 500 million degrees Kelvin, said a spokesperson at the lab. - MSNBC
Z's energies in these experiments raised several questions. First, the radiated x-ray output was as much as four times the expected kinetic energy input. Ordinarily, in non-nuclear reactions, output energies are less -- not greater -- than the total input energies. More energy had to be getting in to balance the books, but from where could it come? Second, and more unusually, high ion temperatures were sustained after the plasma had stagnated -- that is, after its ions had presumably lost motion and therefore energy and therefore heat -- as though yet again some unknown agent was providing an additional energy source to the ions. - MORE

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