Tuesday, February 9, 2010

U.S. soldier Joshua Tabor waterboards his daughter, 4, because she couldn't recite alphabet: police

A crazed G.I. was arrested for waterboarding his 4-year-old daughter because she wouldn't say her ABCs.

Cops said Army Sgt. Joshua Tabor, 27, who served 15 months in Iraq, admitted to punishing his daughter by holding her down on the kitchen counter in suburban Washington State and repeatedly pushing her head backward into a full sink.

"He explained she's deathly afraid of water," said Todd Stancil, police chief in Yelm, Wash.

"He would lay her down on her back and push her head into the water right up to her eyeline. He was open about it. He did it all the time. To him, that was an acceptable form of punishment - because she wasn't able to say the alphabet."

Stancil said neighbors told cops that he also ran water over the flailing girl's face, taking her to the edge of drowning, but Tabor denied that.

"It was hot! The water was hot!" the girl said, according to the police report.

Tabor, who was arrested Jan. 31, will be arraigned Feb. 16.

"We originally booked him on third-degree assault, but if he did put the water over her face, that would constitute a more tortuous type of crime," Stancil said. "We are looking into those allegations."

Waterboarding, in which water is poured into an immobilized target's nose and mouth, was used by the CIA on prisoners in Iraq until President Obama banned it in January 2009.

Tabor is out on $10,000 bail and restricted to his base, Ft. Lewis, in Tacoma, Wash.

He was arrested after his girlfriend called the cops at 2 a.m. to say he was drunkenly stalking around the neighborhood brandishing his Kevlar helmet and threatening to break windows.

The girlfriend then told cops Tabor beat his daughter. Cops found the little girl hiding in the bathroom.

"She had just multiple bruises all over her body, from the ears to the legs," Stancil said. "She said, 'Daddy did this.'"

The child had only been in her father's court-ordered custody for two months.

Her father had barred her from contacting her mother's parents, who had raised her. When police put the worried grandma on the phone, the little girl cried from happiness, the police report says.

via U.S. soldier Joshua Tabor waterboards his daughter, 4, because she couldn't recite alphabet: police.

Lock him up and have his brain reprogrammed. Also, realize that he and many others were told by authority figures that waterboarding is not torture. Ask the following people if, since they believe that waterboarding is not torture, if they approve of waterboarding children. Their own children? Themselves?

Those who support Waterboarding include the following: William F. Brennan, Las Vegas, Joseph Farah, Jim Meyers, John Ashcroft, Condoleezza Rice, Kevin Roeten, Liz Cheney, Matt Margolis, Sean Hannity.

The last link is interesting. An article on the huffington post dated 04/22/09 11:53 PM  says Sean Hannity agreed to be waterboarded to raise money for the troops. Seem he lied?  Have any  other waterboarding supporters been waterboarded?

Perhaps Hannity saw this video of Erich "Mancow" Muller after he was waterboarded. Muller, a conservative shock-jock, completely changed his mind about waterboarding after having it done.
Muller:  "It is way worse than I thought it would be. And that's no joke. ... it was instantaneous. I thought i could hold out 30 seconds, 60 seconds.. I don't want to say this. I don't want to say this ... absolutely torture. Absolutely. I mean, that's drowning. ... It is the feeling of drowning."

RL, commented: "Imagine yourself in the position of someone who is truly being tortured. And who has no control, no way to stop it, and no way to know when it will be done again. You can't imagine it. I don't think anyone who hasn't been tortured can imagine it." - theatlantic

Of course, denial is a powerful drug. Some people said Muller had it done wrong, or it was a hoax, etc.  He had no rag in his mouth and he wasn't chained, he could stop at any time... nothing like the real horror of water torture, but still,  in his own words, Muller says this "... was not a hoax! I repeat: NOT A HOAX. ... for years it wasn't torture and now I do."

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