Monday, May 17, 2010

Humankind's Alien Ancestry? his 60 years of intensive research, Sitchin has proceeded step-by-step through a mass of ancient writings and artifacts culminating in the identification of the ancient Sumerian Puabi as an alien goddess, whose 4,500-year-old skeletal remains—discovered in the Royal Tombs of Ur—may still contain DNA from her alien home planet.

His theory is so startling and so revolutionary that it completely re-imagines the story of man, yet it is 100 percent consistent with the rendering of pre-Biblical texts by the Sumerians, Assyrians, and Babylonians.

Since DNA confirmation of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth could revolutionize science, religion, and history, the author has urged the Natural History Museum in London, where Puabi’s remains are stored, to conduct DNA comparisons with human genomes that have already been sequenced.

“It is my fervent hope that this book will convince the museum to conduct the tests,” says Sitchin, for the remains could reveal the DNA differences that represent our genetic missing link—that small but crucial group of “alien genes” that upgraded us from wild hominids to modern man some 300,000 years ago. ...

via Press Release: Renowned Researcher Reveals Humankind's Alien Ancestry.


Intrachresodist said...

There is no reason to believe that "alien DNA" is at all compatible with human DNA. DNA is like a computer program, and it is executed by a chemical machine: 4 different molecules called nucleotides pair up inside two curving backbones of sugars and phosphate groups. The DNA is split into two parts and the nucleotides from one part are read in groups of 3, which is called a codon. There are 4^3 = 64 possible codons.

Each codon is a code which maps to one of the 21 amino acids. There's some duplication among the mapping, which means that different codons sometimes represent the same amino acid. And some codons are used to tell the
machine when to stop. Sequences of amino acids form proteins, and proteins are machines which do interesting things inside and outside the cell.

If aliens have DNA, there's nothing to indicate that it has the same structure (double-helix) or the same nucleotides (A, C, G and T) or uses the same codon mapping or forms the same amino acids. If any of those things differ, then the so-called alien DNA will be completely incompatible with our DNA and it just won't work.

Furthermore, all life on Earth works as I have described above, from the tiniest single-celled bacteria through fungi, plants and animals. There are minor differences in the codon mapping between bacteria and everything else, but that's about it. The pattern was established billions of years ago, and is so fundamental to life that any change in the pattern results in a non-viable organism.

So if there's alien DNA in our genes then it would have to have been placed there at the very beginning of life on earth, before the evolution of the cell. It's a false premise to say that mankind couldn't have evolved naturally from "wild hominids" and so aliens must have added their genes to make us.

Of course Sitchin wants us to buy his book.

In summary, this article is 100% nonsense.

Xeno said...

Good summary. Earth may be one of a million different Petri dishes seeded and manipulated by a much older intelligent species from the stars. I don't see why they'd have to use thier own DNA if they made adjustments to ours. But on the other hand I wonder if there is something special we don't yet know about our particular amino acids in dynamic systems which makes them the natural "choice" for life in the universe.

Intrachresodist said...

Actually there are 22 standard amino acids. But lots more non-standard ones. So no, there's nothing special about our particular amino acids except that they're useful. Likewise proteins - there's an endless variety of possible proteins, and the only special thing about the ones in your body is that they result in a viable organism.

If Aliens had done genetic manipulation of our DNA (rather than using their own DNA on us) this would have been detected already by comparative DNA analysis of living species. Speciation points (the places where the evolutionary tree branched in the past) can be found by analysing the similarities and differences between the genes in DNA of living species. For example, we share some 96% of our genes with Chimpanzees. Some of those genes are different yet produce the identical protein because the genes use aliases in the codon mapping, i.e. a different triplet of (C,G,A,T) values results in the same amino acid, and hence the same protein. The rate of DNA change has been measured and so timescales in the millions of years can be estimated by looking at the extent of changes.

We have sequenced Chimp DNA (common ancestor several million years ago) and Neanderthal DNA (common ancestor anything from 500k y.o. to over 1 million y.o., but extinct only 30k years) and if aliens had twiddled with our DNA at any time, it would stick out like a sore thumb.

So we know the alien hypothesis is silly without having to exhume some mummified queen. There might be great reasons to do DNA analysis on ancient remains, but they don't include testing if she's a bug-eyed alien.

scabaret said...

All I have to say to you, Intrachresodist, is that sure, your fancy dna theories are all well and good, and quite correct, BUT, if an alien race has technology so powerful and advanced that they can travel to our planet, who is to day that they haven't developed a way to splice two entirely different species together? It makes sense.

scabaret said...

sorry meant to type *say not 'day', it's really dark in here.

django said...

There is more than we know !
Take a look a one of the thousends research centres or institutes in the world.