Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The perfect daily routine

I want to do so many things it seems impossible, but perhaps it isn't.

Perhaps I can do a little of everything in one coordinated master plan.

I'm visualizing a routine where, along with work and chores, each week or even every day, I also meditate, do yoga, run, lift weights, eat well, play chess, do volunteer work, keep up with friends, use self hypnosis to cure the ringing in my ears, practice martial arts, do eye exercises to improve vision, grow food in my new garden, read the most interesting news from the world, and blog...for example.

Two questions:

What activities are on you "perfect day" list?

What routine do you have that helps you juggle everything?

1 comment:

Mohammad said...

Perfection consists of mastering 3 things: Mind-Spirit-Body , in other words, Knowledge (science, logic, school etc..) Spirit (Religion,draw closer to Allah etc..) and Body (Muscles, Strength, Martial Arts, Eye exercises etc..)

one cannot be 100% Perfect no matter how good one is at those 3 things...however, one should strive hard to be as perfect as possible in those 3 things in order to get as close to the 100% perfection as possible...the only things you need is 2 things: Time and Dicipline.

Hence, one may make the perfect plan, and yet not have the decipline to actually carry out the plan, and thus, the days end with no real goal accomplished...This is why it is EXTREMELY important to be deciplined... Decipline is the key to success.

Take as an Example Japan...why are they so successful and the second-major world economy in the world ? and they live the most? Becuase they have mastered both, Body (by eating Healthy) and Knowledge, and yet there is a very high Suicide rate in japan, which is due to theyr lacking of Spirit (religion etc.)

Anyway, my daily rutine is as follows....

I wake up, wash my face, go outside running, then come back home and start strength-training and eye exercises, then i take a shower and make sure to have cleansed my body to the fullest (nails, shaving etc.)Then i eat Breakfast

I learn History of the prophets of Islam

I Study at school or at home by covering Math, Chemistry and Phycis. In the breaks i do eyexercise.

I recite as much Quran as i can. then i eat the main dish of the day which consists mostly of Fish, Vegetables, Water, some fruit and Rise. When im hungry in the day i drink Yughurt with some water and Salt.

Free Time where i use some time to try and Perfect my daily rutine and be Together with Friends and Socialise.

Sleep :)


However, this Rutine i regard as perfect for the one who wants a hard Education (me i want to be a doctor), and hence i use very much on studying. Therefor one might need to change it a bit.

Also, one might need to Decipline oneself first before seeking a plan...this is because when you have dicipline, you can make whatever plan you wish, because you will succefully carry it out, but if you have little dicipline, you most likely will fail every time....

In order to accomplish Dicipline, you must therefore start little by little, because the one who tries to catch 2 rabbits wont even catch one...

As you can see my Daily Rutine improves all three : my body, mind and spirit, and thus it keeps imrpoving until i hopefully reach over 90% of perfection =)

Hope it helped !