Thursday, July 22, 2010

Time travel theory avoids grandfather paradox

P-CTC time travelThe possibility of going back in time only to kill your ancestors and prevent your own birth has posed a serious problem for potential time travelers, not even considering the technical details of building a time machine. But a new theory proposed by physicists at MIT suggests that this grandfather paradox could be avoided by using quantum teleportation and "post-selecting" what a time traveler could and could not do. So while murdering one’s relatives is unfortunately possible in the present time, such actions would be strictly forbidden if you were to try them during a trip to the past.

The model of time travel proposed by Seth Lloyd, et al., in a recent paper at arises from their investigation of the quantum mechanics of closed timelike curves (CTCs) and search for a theory of gravity. In simple terms, a CTC is a path of spacetime that returns to its starting point. The existence of CTCs is allowed by Einstein’s general relativity, although it was Gödel who first discovered them. As with other implications of his theories, Einstein was a bit disturbed by CTCs.

In the new paper, the scientists explore a particular version of CTCs based on combining quantum teleportation with post-selection, resulting in a theory of post-selected CTCs (P-CTCs). In quantum teleportation, quantum states are entangled so that one state can be transmitted to the other in a different location. The scientists then applied the concept of post-selection, which is the ability to make a computation automatically accept only certain results and disregard others. In this way, post-selection could ensure that only a certain type of state can be teleported. The states that “qualify” to be teleported are those that have been post-selected to be self-consistent prior to being teleported. Only after it has been identified and approved can the state be teleported, so that, in effect, the state is traveling back in time. Under these conditions, time travel could only occur in a self-consistent, non-paradoxical way.

“The formalism of P-CTCs shows that such quantum time travel can be thought of as a kind of quantum tunneling backwards in time, which can take place even in the absence of a classical path from future to past,” the researchers write in their paper. “Because the theory of P-CTCs relies on post-selection, it provides self-consistent resolutions to such paradoxes: anything that happens in a P-CTC can also happen in conventional quantum mechanics with some probability.”

via Time travel theory avoids grandfather paradox.

I like this theory. It allows some of our strange experiences to be limited interactions with people from the future.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Ok, some events in the retro-time world can't be done. How do we know what they are? Sure, killing someone might be easy to recognize, but how about one going back in time and making, however big or small, an impact that would, say, prevent two people, who should have been one's grandparents, from meeting each other? If such an event would occur, you would not have parents and you would not exist. So, this is another event that couldn't occur. So, apparently in the realm once one goes back in time one wouldn't have much free choice about what one could or could not do. But, one would not necessarily know what one could or could not do, but only kept from doing what one could not do.

Maybe, Xeno, this may explain present. Why do some people succeed, let's say, and others, no matter how hard they try, don't. Perhaps there is some future state of the world/reality that is in some way destined (or may already is) that prevents certain present events from occurring and we just don't know what they are.