Monday, May 8, 2006

New Bigfoot Photos to be released?

A book on the Johor Bigfoot, said to include exclusive photographs of the elusive creature, has caused a stir among cryptozoologists around the world. ... He added the individual wished to remain anonymous for the time being.

Mawas2a.jpg"The owner of the photographs has only agreed to allow them to be used in our book.

"All I can say is that the photographs are convincing and all visible signs point towards the possibility that the Johor Bigfoot could be a variant of the Homo erectus species of hominids (creature resembling humans), thought to have gone extinct some 50,000 years ago or that it is an unknown hominid."

Loren Coleman, a leading cryptozoologists, in his website, open- ed a discussion on Thursday on the new book and received a flood of comments from the international community of cryptozoologists and Bigfoot enthusiasts." - more

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