Thursday, October 16, 2008

Airport admits 'strip search' body scanners WILL show people naked

The new scannerNew 'strip search' full body scanners being trialled in Australia will show people's private parts, officials have admitted.

But to spare their blushes, the faces of passengers will be blurred.

Domestic travellers leaving Melbourne airport over the next six weeks will be asked to test the new security scanners that can see through clothing. The X-ray backscatter body scanner has been described by critics as a "virtual  strip search."

The scanner is similar to one that was trialled at Paddington station in London in 2006 in direct response to the tube bombings in July 2005. Similar systems have also been tested at Gatwick airport.  ... - dailymail

They'll go from scanning to banning and then we will all fly naked. And now: Naked Airlines, the song.

1 comment:

gusonotelu said...

if the new machine can see people being scan naked, why can it be adjusted just to see the metal or weaponry being searched for? Is this cost of security passenger must pay with their privacy? Sounds overdoing things.