Thursday, June 11, 2009

Four fairly clear UFO pictures

I'd seen most, but not all of these. All hoaxes and fakes? Come on, the one with the levitating cow has to be a fake. Probably from a commercial.

See my ufo article for more with descriptions, maps of sightings, etc. Also see my UFO time line if you are interested in the topic.

May be aliens do exist? (154 pics)May be aliens do exist? (154 pics)May be aliens do exist? (154 pics)May be aliens do exist? (154 pics)


Patrick said...

Hahahahah, I wouldn't have even noticed that!
That's great.

CM said...

Not all hoaxes and fakes. Some are flairs or reflections or other tricks of the light. Others are film emulsion anomalies or contaminants like hairs, lens imperfections, stains or bleaching or other markings on prints, misinterpretation of birds or clouds or aircraft. Except for that one which is clearly an interdimensional transport. Clearly.

dma said...
