Monday, June 1, 2009

UFO Examiner: Color-changing orb over Oregon ejects triangle UFO

A Oregon witness watched an unusual orb in the sky as it changed colors in a pulsing manner, and then observed a triangle-shaped UFO emerge from inside of it, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness database.

The May 29 event occured near an airport, and the witness wants to point out that the shape and behavior of both objects is out of the ordinary. The triangle UFO had three amber-colored lights at each of its points. White lights seem to be the norm for this type of craft, but we have seen the amber lights reported in other cases.

The triangle craft eventually moved away at a high rate of speed, and the pulsing orb either moved away, or shrunk in size - the witness is not sure - as it just seemed to get smaller and smaller with each pulse of light. ...

via UFO Examiner: Color-changing orb over Oregon ejects triangle UFO.

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