Friday, March 26, 2010

Free Xeno Song: Kiss You on the Moon

The lithograph above was part of a real moon hoax.
Rough image of en:1835 en:lithograph of "ruby amphitheater" described in en:New York Sun newspaper issue of en:28 August en:1835: "Our plain was of course immediately covered with the ruby front of this mighty amphitheater, its tall figures, leaping cascades, and rugged caverns. As its almost interminable sweep was measured off on the canvass, we frequently saw long lines of some yellow metal hanging from the crevices of the horizontal strata in will net-work, or straight pendant branches. We of course concluded that this was virgin gold, and we had no assay-master to prove to the contrary."

Other than dealing with the moon, I'm not saying this is related to the Apollo Moon Landings.

I do find it amazing that there is a big difference in our beliefs about things which are supposedly historical facts.  There are huge world changing events where we can't even agree what really happened:  the story of Atlantis, the birth of Christianity,  Pearl Harbor,  the Roswell UFO crash, the Mothman event, the Apollo Moon Landings, Raymond Rife's cancer cure, the attacks of 9/11 ... what am I forgetting?

This is the latest incarnation of my song about the conspiracy theory that the Apollo Moon landings were faked. Here is my article on the topic written as research for the song. 

Free download. (Or you can play it with the sidebar on the left.)
Kiss You On the Moon (mp3)

(c)2001-2010 by Xeno.
All rights reserved.
Distribution permitted for non-commercial use

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