Monday, August 23, 2010

Minute-Man Missiles Disabled While UFOs Hovered Over The Launch Facilities

In March 1967, all ten of the 'Minuteman I' missiles under my control were disabled while an oval shaped UFO hovered at close range over the front gate of my launch control center in Montana. I was sworn to secrecy about this incident until 1994 when the U.S. Air Force declassified a similar incident at the request of my investigator, Jim Klotz under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). At that time, I believed the declassified incident of ‘Echo Flight’ to be the one in which I was involved. As a result of receiving declassified documents from AF records about the Echo incident, I began to publicly disclose what I recalled.

Later, after contacting other witnesses regarding these events, I realized I had been at an entirely different Launch Control Center, Oscar Flight, at the time of my incident; during my assignment at Malmstrom AFB I was not aware of the Echo Flight incident. I did recall that a similar incident had occurred because of a vivid memory of my crew commander, Fred Meiwald: he turned to me and said, “The same thing happened at another flight” after reporting our incident to the Base Command Post. Because of remembering that statement I wrote in Faded Giant that both flights of missiles went inoperative on the same day. However, I later learned that what he meant to say was that the same thing had happened on a previous date.

via My Evidence: The Account of Minute-Man Missiles Being Disabled, While UFOs Hovered Over The Launch Facilities.

Choices:  natural phenomena combined with technical glitch ... aliens ... humans ... or these stories are disinformation.


Ann said...

The best source for this kind of UFO encounter is Robert Hastings' book: “UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites,” (2008 - available online). In this book, which is the result of over 2 decades of research, Hastings interviews over 50 Air Force personnel, officers and others to get at the bottom of what happened at several nuc sites.

Cheng said...

It is hard not to be sceptical though, isn't it?
Strange flying objects seen only by military personnel at remote military air bases who are then silenced by senior ranks and official secrets acts. All this at a time when science fiction writing and the space race was grabbing the imagination.
However, I will continue to keep an eye out for extra terrestrials wielding anal probes.

James Carlson said...

How many versions of this ridiculous story is he going to tell? This one is number 6 ... and counting.