Friday, June 30, 2006

All-Seeing Blimp on the Rise

Ah, that probably explains the Phoenix UFO a few years ago.
The problem with the American military today is that it doesn't have a giant, robotic airship, two-and-a-half times the size of the Goodyear blimp, that can watch over an entire city at once. Thankfully, the Pentagon's isis_overlook.JPGway-out research arm, Darpa, is trying to fix that.The program is called ISIS, short for "Integrated Sensor Is Structure." And the idea is to park an unmanned airship over a hot zone for a year, at nearly 65,000 feet in the sky. Up there, ISIS can spot enemy soldiers up to 180 miles away, target tanks and trucks, and watch out for incoming cruise missiles 350 miles in the distance -- a "detailed, real-time picture of all movement on or above the battlefield," one Darpa program manager says. During down times, ISIS might even serve as a cell tower in the sky, relaying communications to U.S. troops.

But to pull it all off, almost the entire hull of the ISIS ship would have to be turned into a phased-array radar antenna. And that is no mean task.

All-Seeing Blimp on the Rise

Ah, that probably explains the Phoenix UFO a few years ago.
The problem with the American military today is that it doesn't have a giant, robotic airship, two-and-a-half times the size of the Goodyear blimp, that can watch over an entire city at once. Thankfully, the Pentagon's isis_overlook.JPGway-out research arm, Darpa, is trying to fix that.The program is called ISIS, short for "Integrated Sensor Is Structure." And the idea is to park an unmanned airship over a hot zone for a year, at nearly 65,000 feet in the sky. Up there, ISIS can spot enemy soldiers up to 180 miles away, target tanks and trucks, and watch out for incoming cruise missiles 350 miles in the distance -- a "detailed, real-time picture of all movement on or above the battlefield," one Darpa program manager says. During down times, ISIS might even serve as a cell tower in the sky, relaying communications to U.S. troops.

But to pull it all off, almost the entire hull of the ISIS ship would have to be turned into a phased-array radar antenna. And that is no mean task.

Gitmo: How many are innocent?

Fark: "Man sits in Gitmo for 2 years because US cannot find any of his 4 witnesses. 3 days ago a British newspaper tried to find them, let's see how they did..."

The Guardian found the witnesses in 3 days, and their comments show that at least one probably innocent man has been cheated out of freedom. Gitmo is in violation of the constitution and Bush and his cohorts should be tried for violating their oaths of office by allowing indefinite anonymous detentions.

Why hold innocent people? Because they need subjects for torture (aka interrogation) and brain experiments, obviously.

Gitmo: How many are innocent?

Fark: "Man sits in Gitmo for 2 years because US cannot find any of his 4 witnesses. 3 days ago a British newspaper tried to find them, let's see how they did..."

The Guardian found the witnesses in 3 days, and their comments show that at least one probably innocent man has been cheated out of freedom. Gitmo is in violation of the constitution and Bush and his cohorts should be tried for violating their oaths of office by allowing indefinite anonymous detentions.

Why hold innocent people? Because they need subjects for torture (aka interrogation) and brain experiments, obviously.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Tropical Stonehenge may have been found

Granite blocks are seen in Amapa, Brazil, on May 10, 2006. A grouping of 127 granite blocks along a grassy Amazon hilltop may be the vestiges of South America's oldest astronomical observatory, according to archeologists who say the find challenges long-held assumptions about the region's prehistory. The blocks, some standing as high as 3 meters (9 feet), are spaced at regular intervals around the hill like a crown some 30 meters (100-feet)in diameter, near the village of Calcoene just north of the equator near the coast of Amapa state,which borders with French Guyana in far northern Brazil.


Tropical Stonehenge may have been found

Granite blocks are seen in Amapa, Brazil, on May 10, 2006. A grouping of 127 granite blocks along a grassy Amazon hilltop may be the vestiges of South America's oldest astronomical observatory, according to archeologists who say the find challenges long-held assumptions about the region's prehistory. The blocks, some standing as high as 3 meters (9 feet), are spaced at regular intervals around the hill like a crown some 30 meters (100-feet)in diameter, near the village of Calcoene just north of the equator near the coast of Amapa state,which borders with French Guyana in far northern Brazil.


Unusual Violin: Mysterious music phenomenon

Mari Kimura is a New York based solo violinist that usually lectures at the acknowledged Juilliard School of 1-MariKimura.jpg Music. She is one of the extremely few people who can produce controlled subharmonic tones on violin. Kimura has developed this trait to a signature feature in her compositions and improvisations. The sounds she plays on violin are usually found in a cello.

"I have done this for ten years, and the researchers in US and Japan have tried to figure it out for as long. I don?t really know what it is I do, because I have an empirical approach to it. It all happens by the method of trial and error", says Kimura. - more

Unusual Violin: Mysterious music phenomenon

Mari Kimura is a New York based solo violinist that usually lectures at the acknowledged Juilliard School of 1-MariKimura.jpg Music. She is one of the extremely few people who can produce controlled subharmonic tones on violin. Kimura has developed this trait to a signature feature in her compositions and improvisations. The sounds she plays on violin are usually found in a cello.

"I have done this for ten years, and the researchers in US and Japan have tried to figure it out for as long. I don?t really know what it is I do, because I have an empirical approach to it. It all happens by the method of trial and error", says Kimura. - more

Test Tube Meat Nears Dinner Table

Professor of meat sciences? I guess you'd have no mad cow disease, no suffering animals, no hormones, anti-biotics,? yeah, I'd probably eat it.
What if the next burger you ate was created in a warm, nutrient-enriched soup swirling within a bioreactor?

Edible, lab-grown ground chuck that smells and tastes just like the real thing might take a place next to Quorn at supermarkets in just a few years, thanks to some determined meat researchers. Scientists routinely grow small quantities of muscle cells in petri dishes for experiments, but now for the first time a concentrated effort is testtubemeat2bc.jpgunder way to mass-produce meat in this manner.

Henk Haagsman, a professor of meat sciences at Utrecht University, and his Dutch colleagues are working on growing artificial pork meat out of pig stem cells. They hope to grow a form of minced meat suitable for burgers, sausages and pizza toppings within the next few years. ... The technology to grow a juicy steak, however, is still a decade or so away. No one has yet figured out how to grow blood vessels within tissue.- more

Test Tube Meat Nears Dinner Table

Professor of meat sciences? I guess you'd have no mad cow disease, no suffering animals, no hormones, anti-biotics,? yeah, I'd probably eat it.
What if the next burger you ate was created in a warm, nutrient-enriched soup swirling within a bioreactor?

Edible, lab-grown ground chuck that smells and tastes just like the real thing might take a place next to Quorn at supermarkets in just a few years, thanks to some determined meat researchers. Scientists routinely grow small quantities of muscle cells in petri dishes for experiments, but now for the first time a concentrated effort is testtubemeat2bc.jpgunder way to mass-produce meat in this manner.

Henk Haagsman, a professor of meat sciences at Utrecht University, and his Dutch colleagues are working on growing artificial pork meat out of pig stem cells. They hope to grow a form of minced meat suitable for burgers, sausages and pizza toppings within the next few years. ... The technology to grow a juicy steak, however, is still a decade or so away. No one has yet figured out how to grow blood vessels within tissue.- more

Ultrasound may help regrow teeth

smile.jpgHockey players, rejoice! A team of University of Alberta researchers has created technology to regrow teeth--the first time scientists have been able to reform human dental tissue. ... Using low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS), Dr. Tarak El-Bialy from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and Dr. Jie Chen and Dr. Ying Tsui from the Faculty of Engineering have created a miniaturized system-on-a-chip that offers a non-invasive and novel way to stimulate jaw growth and dental tissue healing. ... The wireless design of the ultrasound transducer means the miniscule device will be able to fit comfortably inside a patient's mouth while packed in biocompatible materials. The unit will be easily mounted on an orthodontic or "braces" bracket or even a plastic removable crown. The wireless design of the ultrasound transducer means the miniscule device will be able to fit comfortably inside a patient's mouth while packed in biocompatible materials. The unit will be easily mounted on an orthodontic or "braces" bracket or even a plastic removable crown.

... Dr. El-Bialy first discovered new dental tissue was being formed after using ultrasound on rabbits. In one study, published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, El Bialy used ultrasound on one rabbit incisor and left the other incisor alone. After seeing the surprising positive results, he moved onto humans and found similar results.more

This from Wikipedia:
Researchers at the University of Alberta have used LIPUS to gently massage teeth roots and jawbones to cause growth or regrowth, and have grown new teeth. As of June 2006, a large device has been licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Health Canada for use by dentists. A smaller device that fits on braces has also been developed. In order to regrow teeth, the tooth root must be massaged by the LIPUS device for 20 minutes each day for 4 months. It has been approved by both Canadian and American regulatory bodies and a market-ready model is currently being prepared. LIPUS is expected to be commercially available before the end of 2009.

According to Dr. Chen from the University of Alberta, LIPUS may also have medical/cosmetic benefits in allowing people to grow taller by stimulating bone growth.

This from Wiley InterScience:
Constant mechanical stress is essential for the maintenance of bone mass and strength, which is achieved through the cooperative functions of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. However, it has not been fully elucidated how these cell types mediate mechanical signals. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) therapy is a recently developed method for application of mechanical stress, and is used clinically to promote bone fracture healing. ...  J. Cell. Physiol. 211: 392-398, 2007. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Here is a specific mention of a frequency:
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been implicated in the regulation of dental pulp and dentine repair. Therapeutic ultrasound was shown to be effective for fracture repair. We investigated whether low frequency ultrasound influences the production of VEGF by odontoblast-like cells. Moreover, we examined the direct effects of VEGF on odontoblast-like cell proliferation. ... Design. MDPC-23, an established odontoblast-like cell line, was exposed to increasing intensities of 30 kHz ultrasound using an ultrasonic tip probe. ... After 24 h cell culture, WST-1 analysis of cell viability and number showed a dose-dependent decrease in the number of viable cells with increasing ultrasound power. However, the relative concentration of VEGF as analysed by ELISA and normalised to cell number was significantly increased in the culture supernatants indicating an ultrasound-induced stimulation of odontoblastic VEGF secretion. ... Results ... Low power ultrasound increased gene expression of all VEGF isoforms. Addition of recombinant VEGF to the cell cultures significantly stimulated cell proliferation. Gene expression of the VEGF receptors Flt1/VEGFR1 and KDR/VEGFR2 was detected in the MDPC-23, suggesting the possibility that VEGF may act on the odontoblast-like cells in an autocrine manner.

Humans can only hear up to about 20kHz. Anything above that, like the 30kHz in this study, is considered ultrasound. Just as with sound you can hear, sounds you can not hear can be at different volumes (intensities).  Sound is a pressure wave.  Intensity of sound can be expressed as "mW/cm2", which is milliWatts per square centimeter.
Different intensities of pulsed ultrasound have distinct biological effects on bone mineralization in the process of bone fracture repair, even across a narrow range (e.g., 30-120 mW/cm2). The aim of our study was to elucidate the effect of low-intensity (30 mW/cm ) and high-intensity (120 mW/cm2) pulsed ultrasound on collagen metabolism -

Here's another study that used a different frequency.
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) has distinct effects on biologic mineralization at intensities of <100 mW/cm2. Intensity-dependent differences in the pattern of accelerated mineralization may be due to different alterations in regulation of collagenous matrix formation. However, little is known about the influence of LIPUS on collagen metabolism in the context of mineralization processes. Therefore, we attempted to evaluate differential effects of two intensities of pulsed ultrasound (30 vs. 120 mW/cm2) on collagen post-translational modification and mineralization in osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. Murine osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells were exposed to pulsed ultrasound (1.5-MHz, 200-ms burst sine wave at 1.0-kHz frequency, either 30 or 120 mW/cm2 SATA, for 20 min/day from Day 14 to Day 35 postconfluence).

In this case, they hit the sample with a 200 millisecond sine wave at 1.5 MHz,  1000 times per second?

I must be having a bone head moment, because I don't get it.. there are 1000 milliseconds in a second, so you could only fit five 200ms bursts in each second, and they'd need some blank space too, so if you went on and off every 200ms, with your vibrations of 1.5MHz, you'd have a pulse rate of about 3 Hz, not 1.0 kHz (1000 Hz). Unless you have multiple sound sources, then they could overlap and you could get 1000 bursts of 200ms in each second.

Update: April 8, 2009:  These things always seem years away. This was said to be two years away in 1996, but nothing is ready yet. Here is a recent mention of it:
Ultrasound could 're-grow' broken teeth in just 12 weeks

Professional Headshot of Tarek H. El-Bialy... scientists revealed recently that teeth broken in an accident could soon be 'regrown' using an ultrasound machine half the size of a thumbnail.

The process could take just 12 weeks. Ultrasound is already used to help heal broken bones, now the technology is being applied to teeth. Nanotechnology, which can reduce electronic circuitry to one thousandth of the size of a human hair, has enabled scientists to develop an ultrasound device small enough to fit inside the mouth. A wafer-thin ultrasound chip, which is preprogrammed so that it turns on automatically, can be clipped onto the teeth. When it is on, ultrasound waves massage the gums to stimulate and increase blood flow to produce new tooth tissue.

The treatment takes just 20 minutes a day. The current version of the machine has a small handheld device which tells the patient when it is working. Dr Tarek El-Bialy, of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, discovered the use of ultrasound to form new dental tissue from his research on rabbit incisors. He then moved on to humans and found similar results.


Link to the Department of Dentistry where Dr. El-Bialy is working.
This team includes in addition to Dr. Tarek El-Bialy  (in the Orthodontic Graduate program and Biomedical Engineering), Drs. Jie Chen and Ying Tsui from the Electrical Engineering department. When it was published by Dr. Tarek El-Bialy at the American Journal of Orthodontics for the first time in History that new dental tissue can be reformed after the teeth are grown, this research team and patent was planned for.

Ultrasound may help regrow teeth

smile.jpgHockey players, rejoice! A team of University of Alberta researchers has created technology to regrow teeth--the first time scientists have been able to reform human dental tissue. ... Using low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS), Dr. Tarak El-Bialy from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and Dr. Jie Chen and Dr. Ying Tsui from the Faculty of Engineering have created a miniaturized system-on-a-chip that offers a non-invasive and novel way to stimulate jaw growth and dental tissue healing. ... The wireless design of the ultrasound transducer means the miniscule device will be able to fit comfortably inside a patient's mouth while packed in biocompatible materials. The unit will be easily mounted on an orthodontic or "braces" bracket or even a plastic removable crown. The wireless design of the ultrasound transducer means the miniscule device will be able to fit comfortably inside a patient's mouth while packed in biocompatible materials. The unit will be easily mounted on an orthodontic or "braces" bracket or even a plastic removable crown.

... Dr. El-Bialy first discovered new dental tissue was being formed after using ultrasound on rabbits. In one study, published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, El Bialy used ultrasound on one rabbit incisor and left the other incisor alone. After seeing the surprising positive results, he moved onto humans and found similar results.more

This from Wikipedia:
Researchers at the University of Alberta have used LIPUS to gently massage teeth roots and jawbones to cause growth or regrowth, and have grown new teeth. As of June 2006, a large device has been licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Health Canada for use by dentists. A smaller device that fits on braces has also been developed. In order to regrow teeth, the tooth root must be massaged by the LIPUS device for 20 minutes each day for 4 months. It has been approved by both Canadian and American regulatory bodies and a market-ready model is currently being prepared. LIPUS is expected to be commercially available before the end of 2009.

According to Dr. Chen from the University of Alberta, LIPUS may also have medical/cosmetic benefits in allowing people to grow taller by stimulating bone growth.

This from Wiley InterScience:
Constant mechanical stress is essential for the maintenance of bone mass and strength, which is achieved through the cooperative functions of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. However, it has not been fully elucidated how these cell types mediate mechanical signals. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) therapy is a recently developed method for application of mechanical stress, and is used clinically to promote bone fracture healing. ...  J. Cell. Physiol. 211: 392-398, 2007. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Here is a specific mention of a frequency:
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been implicated in the regulation of dental pulp and dentine repair. Therapeutic ultrasound was shown to be effective for fracture repair. We investigated whether low frequency ultrasound influences the production of VEGF by odontoblast-like cells. Moreover, we examined the direct effects of VEGF on odontoblast-like cell proliferation. ... Design. MDPC-23, an established odontoblast-like cell line, was exposed to increasing intensities of 30 kHz ultrasound using an ultrasonic tip probe. ... After 24 h cell culture, WST-1 analysis of cell viability and number showed a dose-dependent decrease in the number of viable cells with increasing ultrasound power. However, the relative concentration of VEGF as analysed by ELISA and normalised to cell number was significantly increased in the culture supernatants indicating an ultrasound-induced stimulation of odontoblastic VEGF secretion. ... Results ... Low power ultrasound increased gene expression of all VEGF isoforms. Addition of recombinant VEGF to the cell cultures significantly stimulated cell proliferation. Gene expression of the VEGF receptors Flt1/VEGFR1 and KDR/VEGFR2 was detected in the MDPC-23, suggesting the possibility that VEGF may act on the odontoblast-like cells in an autocrine manner.

Humans can only hear up to about 20kHz. Anything above that, like the 30kHz in this study, is considered ultrasound. Just as with sound you can hear, sounds you can not hear can be at different volumes (intensities).  Sound is a pressure wave.  Intensity of sound can be expressed as "mW/cm2", which is milliWatts per square centimeter.
Different intensities of pulsed ultrasound have distinct biological effects on bone mineralization in the process of bone fracture repair, even across a narrow range (e.g., 30-120 mW/cm2). The aim of our study was to elucidate the effect of low-intensity (30 mW/cm ) and high-intensity (120 mW/cm2) pulsed ultrasound on collagen metabolism -

Here's another study that used a different frequency.
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) has distinct effects on biologic mineralization at intensities of <100 mW/cm2. Intensity-dependent differences in the pattern of accelerated mineralization may be due to different alterations in regulation of collagenous matrix formation. However, little is known about the influence of LIPUS on collagen metabolism in the context of mineralization processes. Therefore, we attempted to evaluate differential effects of two intensities of pulsed ultrasound (30 vs. 120 mW/cm2) on collagen post-translational modification and mineralization in osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. Murine osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells were exposed to pulsed ultrasound (1.5-MHz, 200-ms burst sine wave at 1.0-kHz frequency, either 30 or 120 mW/cm2 SATA, for 20 min/day from Day 14 to Day 35 postconfluence).

In this case, they hit the sample with a 200 millisecond sine wave at 1.5 MHz,  1000 times per second?

I must be having a bone head moment, because I don't get it.. there are 1000 milliseconds in a second, so you could only fit five 200ms bursts in each second, and they'd need some blank space too, so if you went on and off every 200ms, with your vibrations of 1.5MHz, you'd have a pulse rate of about 3 Hz, not 1.0 kHz (1000 Hz). Unless you have multiple sound sources, then they could overlap and you could get 1000 bursts of 200ms in each second.

Update: April 8, 2009:  These things always seem years away. This was said to be two years away in 1996, but nothing is ready yet. Here is a recent mention of it:
Ultrasound could 're-grow' broken teeth in just 12 weeks

Professional Headshot of Tarek H. El-Bialy... scientists revealed recently that teeth broken in an accident could soon be 'regrown' using an ultrasound machine half the size of a thumbnail.

The process could take just 12 weeks. Ultrasound is already used to help heal broken bones, now the technology is being applied to teeth. Nanotechnology, which can reduce electronic circuitry to one thousandth of the size of a human hair, has enabled scientists to develop an ultrasound device small enough to fit inside the mouth. A wafer-thin ultrasound chip, which is preprogrammed so that it turns on automatically, can be clipped onto the teeth. When it is on, ultrasound waves massage the gums to stimulate and increase blood flow to produce new tooth tissue.

The treatment takes just 20 minutes a day. The current version of the machine has a small handheld device which tells the patient when it is working. Dr Tarek El-Bialy, of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, discovered the use of ultrasound to form new dental tissue from his research on rabbit incisors. He then moved on to humans and found similar results.


Link to the Department of Dentistry where Dr. El-Bialy is working.
This team includes in addition to Dr. Tarek El-Bialy  (in the Orthodontic Graduate program and Biomedical Engineering), Drs. Jie Chen and Ying Tsui from the Electrical Engineering department. When it was published by Dr. Tarek El-Bialy at the American Journal of Orthodontics for the first time in History that new dental tissue can be reformed after the teeth are grown, this research team and patent was planned for.

100% Undetectable Malware?

A security researcher with expertise in rootkits has built a working prototype of new technology that is capable of creating malware that remains "100 percent undetectable," even on Windows Vista x64 systems. ...The technique effectively bypasses a crucial anti-rootkit policy change coming in Windows Vista that requires kernel-mode software to have a digital signature to load on x64-based systems.

The idea of a virtual machine rootkit isn't entirely new. Researchers at Microsoft Research and the University of Michigan have created a VM-based rootkit called "SubVirt" that is nearly impossible to detect because its state cannot be accessed by security software running in the target system. ...
"The idea behind Blue Pill is simple: your operating system swallows the Blue Pill and it awakes inside the Matrix controlled by the ultra thin Blue Pill hypervisor. This all happens on-the-fly (i.e. without restarting the system) and there is no performance penalty and all the devices," she explained. - eweek

Coming soon: 100% undetectable monitoring of everything everyone does on a computer.

100% Undetectable Malware?

A security researcher with expertise in rootkits has built a working prototype of new technology that is capable of creating malware that remains "100 percent undetectable," even on Windows Vista x64 systems. ...The technique effectively bypasses a crucial anti-rootkit policy change coming in Windows Vista that requires kernel-mode software to have a digital signature to load on x64-based systems.

The idea of a virtual machine rootkit isn't entirely new. Researchers at Microsoft Research and the University of Michigan have created a VM-based rootkit called "SubVirt" that is nearly impossible to detect because its state cannot be accessed by security software running in the target system. ...
"The idea behind Blue Pill is simple: your operating system swallows the Blue Pill and it awakes inside the Matrix controlled by the ultra thin Blue Pill hypervisor. This all happens on-the-fly (i.e. without restarting the system) and there is no performance penalty and all the devices," she explained. - eweek

Coming soon: 100% undetectable monitoring of everything everyone does on a computer.

Mystery of the Misplaced Marmoset

Taking refuge in the Peninsula Humane Society/SPCA's shelter in San Mateo is a marmoset, one of the world's smallest primates indigenous to the rain forests of South and Central America.

The little critter was discovered Tuesday evening in the backyard of an East Palo Alto home.

A resident called authorities to report a stray monkey running across the back fence. - sfgate


Mystery of the Misplaced Marmoset

Taking refuge in the Peninsula Humane Society/SPCA's shelter in San Mateo is a marmoset, one of the world's smallest primates indigenous to the rain forests of South and Central America.

The little critter was discovered Tuesday evening in the backyard of an East Palo Alto home.

A resident called authorities to report a stray monkey running across the back fence. - sfgate


Gravity Experiments and the Hollow Earth

Someone who seems to be French / Canadian? read my hollow earth article a few years ago, where I suggested that someone get down a mile into a mine and take gravity measurements. It seems that has been done! But I don't read French. Check out these photos of the mine, gravity graphs, etc. The experimenter seems to be saying that his data says the Earth is hollow.
"If the geologists, for their part, opted for the ferrous liquid, my experiment, in Timmins's mine in the North East of Ontario in the Canadian Shield, show clearly that it would be rather about gas (space or air)..."

Gravity Experiments and the Hollow Earth

Someone who seems to be French / Canadian? read my hollow earth article a few years ago, where I suggested that someone get down a mile into a mine and take gravity measurements. It seems that has been done! But I don't read French. Check out these photos of the mine, gravity graphs, etc. The experimenter seems to be saying that his data says the Earth is hollow.
"If the geologists, for their part, opted for the ferrous liquid, my experiment, in Timmins's mine in the North East of Ontario in the Canadian Shield, show clearly that it would be rather about gas (space or air)..."

Stolen Laptop with Military Data Found

Since when is it possible to tell if data on a drive has been copied elsewhere?
"A laptop computer and external drive containing personal data on more than 26 million veterans and active duty military personnel have been recovered, officials said Thursday...

FBI forensic experts conducted initial tests on the computer and external drive that showed nothing had been accessed" - cnn

Stolen Laptop with Military Data Found

Since when is it possible to tell if data on a drive has been copied elsewhere?
"A laptop computer and external drive containing personal data on more than 26 million veterans and active duty military personnel have been recovered, officials said Thursday...

FBI forensic experts conducted initial tests on the computer and external drive that showed nothing had been accessed" - cnn

An Inconvenient Truth: Hey You! Plant Trees, Quick!

I just saw Al Gore's movie about global warming. It was, for me, eye opening and hopeful. Gore is a true leader. Smart, articulate, motivational, and realistic yet positive. It is obvious, watching him speak, that the entire world would be a better place today if the real choice of the American people that he be president was not usurped by Bush's supreme court, anthrax, and 9/11 coup.

BSEaster05Web_06_0001.jpgKey points of the movie are: 1) There is NOT disagreement among scientists about the fact that humans are the cause of global warming and that it is real. This belief, this doubt, is an oil and auto industry advertising scam. 2) It is not too late to change the world. We can. We have the technology... if we have the political will. See: StopGlobalWarming, GreenHouseNet, ClimateChange.Net. 3) If we do nothing, we face heat increasing to the point where human life on the surface of the Earth will end.

So, I have a few days off. I'm going to see how much good I can do in a short time. Plant trees? (see these guides 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Buy different light bulbs? Find a propagandist for an oil company and break all his pens and pencils?

An Inconvenient Truth: Hey You! Plant Trees, Quick!

I just saw Al Gore's movie about global warming. It was, for me, eye opening and hopeful. Gore is a true leader. Smart, articulate, motivational, and realistic yet positive. It is obvious, watching him speak, that the entire world would be a better place today if the real choice of the American people that he be president was not usurped by Bush's supreme court, anthrax, and 9/11 coup.

BSEaster05Web_06_0001.jpgKey points of the movie are: 1) There is NOT disagreement among scientists about the fact that humans are the cause of global warming and that it is real. This belief, this doubt, is an oil and auto industry advertising scam. 2) It is not too late to change the world. We can. We have the technology... if we have the political will. See: StopGlobalWarming, GreenHouseNet, ClimateChange.Net. 3) If we do nothing, we face heat increasing to the point where human life on the surface of the Earth will end.

So, I have a few days off. I'm going to see how much good I can do in a short time. Plant trees? (see these guides 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Buy different light bulbs? Find a propagandist for an oil company and break all his pens and pencils?

Your UFO Sightings

Some very intresting UFO reading here. Here is video of the 1997 Phoenix, AZ UFO(s):


Jeff wrote with some interesting pictures. Check out his web site (with video): My view is that the videos could be of silver balloons, but who knows.

The photo below does not seem to be of balloons. Click "postcards" to enlarge Jeff's pics of the Phoenix UFO mothership! Could be a flying triangle?

Your UFO Sightings

Some very intresting UFO reading here. Here is video of the 1997 Phoenix, AZ UFO(s):


Jeff wrote with some interesting pictures. Check out his web site (with video): My view is that the videos could be of silver balloons, but who knows.

The photo below does not seem to be of balloons. Click "postcards" to enlarge Jeff's pics of the Phoenix UFO mothership! Could be a flying triangle?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rush Limbaugh Detained Over Viagra Pills from Another Universe.

Let the puns begin. Rush Limbaugh was caught and detained for more than three hours in Florida's Palm Beach airport for carrying a vial of Viagra that had someone else's name on it, and he now faces stiff penalties.Authorities from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection examined Limbaugh's bags as his private jet arrived at the Palm Beach International Airport from the Dominican Republic. Paul Miller, spokesperson for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, said that authorities found the prescription bottle with 29 tablets of Viagra in it, but without the conservative talk show host's name on it.

People reports that Roy Black, Rush Limbaugh's attorney, released a statement, claiming "A physician had prescribed the drug, which treats erectile dysfunction, but the bottle was 'labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposes.' ... Kendall Coffey, a former U.S. Attorney in Florida as saying "It's perhaps a little embarrassing but not highly incriminating," adding that Viagra is in a "completely different universe than a matter that would involve Schedule Two (controlled) substances such as OxyContin." - deadbolt

"Indeed, the Dominican Republic is one of the biggest sex tourism destinations in the world, thanks in part to Internet sites that extol the country as a "single man's paradise." - wired

"Journalists reported that the majority of prostitutes in brothels visited around the National District appeared to be between 16 and 18 years of age. ... Prostitution is the principal area of exploitation of underage girls in the informal economy." -

Rush Limbaugh Detained Over Viagra Pills from Another Universe.

Let the puns begin. Rush Limbaugh was caught and detained for more than three hours in Florida's Palm Beach airport for carrying a vial of Viagra that had someone else's name on it, and he now faces stiff penalties.Authorities from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection examined Limbaugh's bags as his private jet arrived at the Palm Beach International Airport from the Dominican Republic. Paul Miller, spokesperson for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, said that authorities found the prescription bottle with 29 tablets of Viagra in it, but without the conservative talk show host's name on it.

People reports that Roy Black, Rush Limbaugh's attorney, released a statement, claiming "A physician had prescribed the drug, which treats erectile dysfunction, but the bottle was 'labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposes.' ... Kendall Coffey, a former U.S. Attorney in Florida as saying "It's perhaps a little embarrassing but not highly incriminating," adding that Viagra is in a "completely different universe than a matter that would involve Schedule Two (controlled) substances such as OxyContin." - deadbolt

"Indeed, the Dominican Republic is one of the biggest sex tourism destinations in the world, thanks in part to Internet sites that extol the country as a "single man's paradise." - wired

"Journalists reported that the majority of prostitutes in brothels visited around the National District appeared to be between 16 and 18 years of age. ... Prostitution is the principal area of exploitation of underage girls in the informal economy." -

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Suicide Belt Abductions?

Sick premonition of an ugly "black ops" plot: People are abducted, made to wear masks and sent to shopping malls wearing explosive belts. The propaganda machine says theses suicide bombers hate America, that they are just crazy animals. Their friends and relatives had no clue and don't think they would do such a thing. A deep new fear and distrust grips the nation and is used to pass laws to take away all remaining rights. Enter the new police state. In truth, the whole thing was a set up by evil neocon control freaks who want to destroy our freedoms to protect their wealth and hide their crimes. Some of this is obviously paranoid speculation, but if you think it is unlikely that "suicide bombers" could be framed, read this:
"Stockholm police have removed what appeared to be a bomb from around the waist of a man in the suburb of Tensta. He said he had been kidnapped for three days.

_1862948_belt-afp-150.jpgAt around 5pm police bomb technicians managed to remove the belt and the suspected explosive device after having X-rayed the man. The X-rays revealed that they would be able to unlock the belt. ... What exactly led to the situation was still unclear on Sunday evening and police were unwilling to reveal information, fearing that it could compromise the investigation. At around 9.30am on Sunday the man, a Norwegian who has been living in Sweden for many years, rang a doorbell on Kr?llingegr?nd - the street where he said he had been held in an apartment for three days - and asked the family to call the police.

The family saw that he had something around his midriff and that he had a burn on his arm. "When we heard him say to the police that he had a bomb around his waist we became afraid," said Anmol Pal, the mother of the family. She took the telephone from the man and asked him to leave the apartment. The man, who police said was born in 1977, does not live in the area. He was not considered to be intoxicated or to have psychiatric problems.

He said he had escaped from an apartment 25 metres from the scene. He said he had been held prisoner for three days and threatened by several men. At around 7pm on Sunday police arrested a man in Tensta on suspicion of kidnapping. Another attacker is being hunted by officers in the area. ... Jasser Mohammed Ali was one of several people who called the police.

"He was behaving strangely, sitting here outside crying," said Ali. - MORE

Suicide Belt Abductions?

Sick premonition of an ugly "black ops" plot: People are abducted, made to wear masks and sent to shopping malls wearing explosive belts. The propaganda machine says theses suicide bombers hate America, that they are just crazy animals. Their friends and relatives had no clue and don't think they would do such a thing. A deep new fear and distrust grips the nation and is used to pass laws to take away all remaining rights. Enter the new police state. In truth, the whole thing was a set up by evil neocon control freaks who want to destroy our freedoms to protect their wealth and hide their crimes. Some of this is obviously paranoid speculation, but if you think it is unlikely that "suicide bombers" could be framed, read this:
"Stockholm police have removed what appeared to be a bomb from around the waist of a man in the suburb of Tensta. He said he had been kidnapped for three days.

_1862948_belt-afp-150.jpgAt around 5pm police bomb technicians managed to remove the belt and the suspected explosive device after having X-rayed the man. The X-rays revealed that they would be able to unlock the belt. ... What exactly led to the situation was still unclear on Sunday evening and police were unwilling to reveal information, fearing that it could compromise the investigation. At around 9.30am on Sunday the man, a Norwegian who has been living in Sweden for many years, rang a doorbell on Kr?llingegr?nd - the street where he said he had been held in an apartment for three days - and asked the family to call the police.

The family saw that he had something around his midriff and that he had a burn on his arm. "When we heard him say to the police that he had a bomb around his waist we became afraid," said Anmol Pal, the mother of the family. She took the telephone from the man and asked him to leave the apartment. The man, who police said was born in 1977, does not live in the area. He was not considered to be intoxicated or to have psychiatric problems.

He said he had escaped from an apartment 25 metres from the scene. He said he had been held prisoner for three days and threatened by several men. At around 7pm on Sunday police arrested a man in Tensta on suspicion of kidnapping. Another attacker is being hunted by officers in the area. ... Jasser Mohammed Ali was one of several people who called the police.

"He was behaving strangely, sitting here outside crying," said Ali. - MORE

Relax a bit: Free video games on line

Try this: I enjoyed the blackjack and a few others.

Relax a bit: Free video games on line

Try this: I enjoyed the blackjack and a few others.

Black Sun Photos from Denmark

"During spring in Denmark, at approximately one half an hour before sunset, flocks of more than a million European starlings (sturnus vulgaris) gather from all corners to join in the incredible formations shown above. This phenomenon is called Black Sun (in Denmark), and can be witnessed in early spring throughout the marshlands of western Denmark, from March through to the middle of April. The starlings migrate from the south and spend the day in the meadows gathering food, sleeping in the reeds during the night. The best place to view this amazing aerial dance is in the place called "T?ndermarsken," where these pictures were taken (on April 5 from 19.30 to 20.30 local time)."


Black Sun Photos from Denmark

"During spring in Denmark, at approximately one half an hour before sunset, flocks of more than a million European starlings (sturnus vulgaris) gather from all corners to join in the incredible formations shown above. This phenomenon is called Black Sun (in Denmark), and can be witnessed in early spring throughout the marshlands of western Denmark, from March through to the middle of April. The starlings migrate from the south and spend the day in the meadows gathering food, sleeping in the reeds during the night. The best place to view this amazing aerial dance is in the place called "T?ndermarsken," where these pictures were taken (on April 5 from 19.30 to 20.30 local time)."


Coming soon — mind-reading computers

A raised eyebrow, quizzical look or a nod of the head are just a few of the facial expressions computers could soon be using to read people's minds.lorincz.jpgAn "emotionally aware" computer being developed by British and American scientists will be able to read an individual's thoughts by analyzing a combination of facial movements that represent underlying feelings.

"The system we have developed allows a wide range of mental states to be identified just by pointing a video camera at someone," said Professor Peter Robinson, of the University of Cambridge in England.

He and his collaborators believe the mind-reading computer's applications could range from improving people's driving skills to helping companies tailor advertising to people's moods.

"Imagine a computer that could pick the right emotional moment to try to sell you something, a future where mobile phones, cars and Web sites could read our mind and react to our moods," he added. - reuters

Coming soon — mind-reading computers

A raised eyebrow, quizzical look or a nod of the head are just a few of the facial expressions computers could soon be using to read people's minds.lorincz.jpgAn "emotionally aware" computer being developed by British and American scientists will be able to read an individual's thoughts by analyzing a combination of facial movements that represent underlying feelings.

"The system we have developed allows a wide range of mental states to be identified just by pointing a video camera at someone," said Professor Peter Robinson, of the University of Cambridge in England.

He and his collaborators believe the mind-reading computer's applications could range from improving people's driving skills to helping companies tailor advertising to people's moods.

"Imagine a computer that could pick the right emotional moment to try to sell you something, a future where mobile phones, cars and Web sites could read our mind and react to our moods," he added. - reuters

Snake displays changing colours

A snake with the ability to change its colour has been found in the rainforested heart of Borneo. Researchers from Germany and the US discovered the water snake's chameleon-like behaviour by accident when they put it into a dark bucket.

laun.jpgThe environmental group WWF, which supports conservation work in Borneo, says wildlife in the region is threatened by deforestation.

It believes the newly described snake may exist only in one river basin.

Found in the Kapuas river in the Betung Kerihun National Park in Kalimantan (the Indonesian portion of Borneo), it belongs to the Enhydris genus of rear-fanged water snakes and has been named E. gyii.

It is about 50cm (18 inches) long, and venomous. - bbc

Snake displays changing colours

A snake with the ability to change its colour has been found in the rainforested heart of Borneo. Researchers from Germany and the US discovered the water snake's chameleon-like behaviour by accident when they put it into a dark bucket.

laun.jpgThe environmental group WWF, which supports conservation work in Borneo, says wildlife in the region is threatened by deforestation.

It believes the newly described snake may exist only in one river basin.

Found in the Kapuas river in the Betung Kerihun National Park in Kalimantan (the Indonesian portion of Borneo), it belongs to the Enhydris genus of rear-fanged water snakes and has been named E. gyii.

It is about 50cm (18 inches) long, and venomous. - bbc

Monday, June 26, 2006

Charged Paper Moves on Its Own

Gold-coated cellophane that bends when charged could work as the tiny wing-flexing muscles in paper surveillance planes, insect robots or even serve as smart wallpaper that emits sound like a speaker.paperairplane2_goto.jpgThe electroactive paper, being developed by Jaehwan Kim of Inha?University in South Korea, contains the same cellulose fibers found in paper, making the material an ultra-lightweight, inexpensive and biodegradable option that has been largely overlooked.

"It has been estimated that the yearly biomass production of cellulose is 1.5 trillion tons, making it an inexhaustible source of raw material for environmentally friendly and biocompatible products," said Kim. ...

In the past, other researchers had discovered an unusual characteristic of cellulose: that it produces a charge when put under pressure.

But the so-called piezoelectric charge was too small to produce the force necessary to bend paper, that its potential as a sensor or an actuator was not explored.

Kim and his team found that they could enhance the piezoelectric property by capitalizing on positively charged particles, called ions, already present in cellulose-based paper such as cellophane.

To make the paper muscle, they coated each side of a 40 millimeter length of cellophane in a layer of gold paperairplane_goto.jpgthinner than the transparent cellophane.

When they applied a voltage, the gold coating on one side of the paper became positively charged, while the other side became negatively charged.

The positively charged ions, which are bond to water molecules, became attracted to the negative side of the paper. As they migrated over, they pulled the water molecules with them, creating a strain on one side of the paper that made it bend.

The combination of ion movement and the piezoelectric effect helped the paper to bend faster even when a low voltage was applied.

The cellophane bent 10 millimeters in one direction with a force enough to lift about 1 gram.

The muscle power from a piece of paper, however great, may not be enough to prove useful in a range of devices, though, said professor Paul Calvert, an expert in biomimetic materials at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. - discovery

Advertisements on corporate sites like discovery are so annoying! Bunch of clueless jerks. If I want to *buy* something, I'll go looking for it. Stay out my FACE when I'm not shopping. When I was trying to read this article, for example, an ad actually flew in and blocked the content so I had to click close to read the story. That should be mandatory jail time for the idiot who created it. Anyway, this paper is pretty cool. Heheh.

Charged Paper Moves on Its Own

Gold-coated cellophane that bends when charged could work as the tiny wing-flexing muscles in paper surveillance planes, insect robots or even serve as smart wallpaper that emits sound like a speaker.paperairplane2_goto.jpgThe electroactive paper, being developed by Jaehwan Kim of Inha?University in South Korea, contains the same cellulose fibers found in paper, making the material an ultra-lightweight, inexpensive and biodegradable option that has been largely overlooked.

"It has been estimated that the yearly biomass production of cellulose is 1.5 trillion tons, making it an inexhaustible source of raw material for environmentally friendly and biocompatible products," said Kim. ...

In the past, other researchers had discovered an unusual characteristic of cellulose: that it produces a charge when put under pressure.

But the so-called piezoelectric charge was too small to produce the force necessary to bend paper, that its potential as a sensor or an actuator was not explored.

Kim and his team found that they could enhance the piezoelectric property by capitalizing on positively charged particles, called ions, already present in cellulose-based paper such as cellophane.

To make the paper muscle, they coated each side of a 40 millimeter length of cellophane in a layer of gold paperairplane_goto.jpgthinner than the transparent cellophane.

When they applied a voltage, the gold coating on one side of the paper became positively charged, while the other side became negatively charged.

The positively charged ions, which are bond to water molecules, became attracted to the negative side of the paper. As they migrated over, they pulled the water molecules with them, creating a strain on one side of the paper that made it bend.

The combination of ion movement and the piezoelectric effect helped the paper to bend faster even when a low voltage was applied.

The cellophane bent 10 millimeters in one direction with a force enough to lift about 1 gram.

The muscle power from a piece of paper, however great, may not be enough to prove useful in a range of devices, though, said professor Paul Calvert, an expert in biomimetic materials at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. - discovery

Advertisements on corporate sites like discovery are so annoying! Bunch of clueless jerks. If I want to *buy* something, I'll go looking for it. Stay out my FACE when I'm not shopping. When I was trying to read this article, for example, an ad actually flew in and blocked the content so I had to click close to read the story. That should be mandatory jail time for the idiot who created it. Anyway, this paper is pretty cool. Heheh.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

110-million-year-old spider web found in amber

A team of researchers has found a 110-million-year-old spider web embedded in a piece of amber ? the oldest known example of a web containing trapped insects.

Tela-de-arana-2006062316210904xm1.jpgIt appears to be an orb web, like the spiral nets made by common garden spiders to catch flying insects, according to a report published Friday in the journal Science. ... Caught within the tangles of the glue-dotted web were a fly, a mite, a beetle and a wasp leg.

... The amber, found in Spain, is from the early Cretaceous period ? a time when dinosaurs roamed and insects were explosively diversifying.? - more

110-million-year-old spider web found in amber

A team of researchers has found a 110-million-year-old spider web embedded in a piece of amber ? the oldest known example of a web containing trapped insects.

Tela-de-arana-2006062316210904xm1.jpgIt appears to be an orb web, like the spiral nets made by common garden spiders to catch flying insects, according to a report published Friday in the journal Science. ... Caught within the tangles of the glue-dotted web were a fly, a mite, a beetle and a wasp leg.

... The amber, found in Spain, is from the early Cretaceous period ? a time when dinosaurs roamed and insects were explosively diversifying.? - more

Friday, June 23, 2006

Message in a Bottle Found 10 Years Later

This story give me a little shiver down my spine.
A Wisconsin man has received an unexpected message from a deceased friend -- in a bottle floating in a lake.

Steve Lieder was chatting with friends near White Lake when he looked down and saw a bottle. They broke it 06622113140.gifopen and found a note. Lieder was amazed to find it was written eleven years ago by one
of his closest friends, who died last year.

Joshua Baker was ten years old when he wrote the message for a school project, stuck it in a bottle and tossed it in the lake.

The note reads: "My name is Josh Baker. I am 10. If you find this, put it on the news. The date is 4/16/95."

Baker died last year in a traffic accident in California. His mother says he had recently returned home after serving in the Marines in the Middle East. She plans to display the note in her home. - wltx

Message in a Bottle Found 10 Years Later

This story give me a little shiver down my spine.
A Wisconsin man has received an unexpected message from a deceased friend -- in a bottle floating in a lake.

Steve Lieder was chatting with friends near White Lake when he looked down and saw a bottle. They broke it 06622113140.gifopen and found a note. Lieder was amazed to find it was written eleven years ago by one
of his closest friends, who died last year.

Joshua Baker was ten years old when he wrote the message for a school project, stuck it in a bottle and tossed it in the lake.

The note reads: "My name is Josh Baker. I am 10. If you find this, put it on the news. The date is 4/16/95."

Baker died last year in a traffic accident in California. His mother says he had recently returned home after serving in the Marines in the Middle East. She plans to display the note in her home. - wltx

FBI plants agent in group to encourage terror plot, then foils plot.

Summary "More B.S. WATCH OUT! TERRORISTS ARE GOING TO GET YOU! QUICK, GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS! " Also see: Plot a Government Provocation and Terror plan farcical.
Seven men were charged yesterday with waging war on the United States after they were arrested and accused of plotting to blow up America's tallest building. The arrests in Miami and Atlanta of five Americans and two Haitians, who were accused of pledging allegiance to al-Qa'eda, represent the most serious case of suspected homegrown Islamic terrorism uncovered in the US since the September 11 attacks. ... No weapons or explosives were found when FBI agents raided a warehouse where the men lived and trained, with one senior official describing their plans as "aspirational" rather than "operational". ... The FBI infiltrated the group last December when an agent posed as a member of al-Qa'eda. - telegraph

Message #1: Fear black Americans. Message #2: Anyone against the war must be a terrorist. Interestingly, here we have US agents posing as al-Qa'eda. Was anyone doing any "posing" on 9/11? The FBI has no evidence linking Bin Laden to 9/11, so it makes you wonder if someone was posing. How would they know? Anyway, these "Sears Tower terrorists" had no plans, no explosives, I mean, what the heck? What crime did they actually commit? If you have no plan, how can you be "plotting"? Smells like a set up. An FBI guy posing as al-Qaeda contacts you, then you get arrested for being contacted by al-Qaeda? If the FBI wants to catch people and call them terrorists, they should wait until there is a real threat. This just looks fishy. Some say its a complete set up:
Sears Tower "Terrorists" Set Up?: Master G.H.G. Athea, Suspect's Friend: "Someone along the line offered to him some funds to do whatever he wanted to do if that's what he wanted to do. As far as some subversive work. And said they would give him whatever he needed."

ANDREWS: So somebody had approached him to give him money to blow up buildings? ATHEA: To do whatever he wanted to do. But that was far from his mind. So he had no desire to interact with these men to accept anything they had to offer.

The fact that I was able to find this on the Web in a few minutes, my friends, is why we must protect the net and our rights to freedom of information. I don't know who is being deceptive here, the friend or the feds, but I should be able to hear all sides when a news story hits. Thanks to the Web, you can. I guess the effect of this may be positive if it gets anyone contacted by "al-Quaeda" to call the FBI and the local media right away. The govt says there will be many more of these "domestic cells". BS. There is anger at Bush, but not a generalized anger by Americans against America. That's absurd. If this is all a covert op by the Neocon agenda, people should expose the evil bastards who are trying to frame fellow Americans. Impeach Bush.

FBI plants agent in group to encourage terror plot, then foils plot.

Summary "More B.S. WATCH OUT! TERRORISTS ARE GOING TO GET YOU! QUICK, GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS! " Also see: Plot a Government Provocation and Terror plan farcical.
Seven men were charged yesterday with waging war on the United States after they were arrested and accused of plotting to blow up America's tallest building. The arrests in Miami and Atlanta of five Americans and two Haitians, who were accused of pledging allegiance to al-Qa'eda, represent the most serious case of suspected homegrown Islamic terrorism uncovered in the US since the September 11 attacks. ... No weapons or explosives were found when FBI agents raided a warehouse where the men lived and trained, with one senior official describing their plans as "aspirational" rather than "operational". ... The FBI infiltrated the group last December when an agent posed as a member of al-Qa'eda. - telegraph

Message #1: Fear black Americans. Message #2: Anyone against the war must be a terrorist. Interestingly, here we have US agents posing as al-Qa'eda. Was anyone doing any "posing" on 9/11? The FBI has no evidence linking Bin Laden to 9/11, so it makes you wonder if someone was posing. How would they know? Anyway, these "Sears Tower terrorists" had no plans, no explosives, I mean, what the heck? What crime did they actually commit? If you have no plan, how can you be "plotting"? Smells like a set up. An FBI guy posing as al-Qaeda contacts you, then you get arrested for being contacted by al-Qaeda? If the FBI wants to catch people and call them terrorists, they should wait until there is a real threat. This just looks fishy. Some say its a complete set up:
Sears Tower "Terrorists" Set Up?: Master G.H.G. Athea, Suspect's Friend: "Someone along the line offered to him some funds to do whatever he wanted to do if that's what he wanted to do. As far as some subversive work. And said they would give him whatever he needed."

ANDREWS: So somebody had approached him to give him money to blow up buildings? ATHEA: To do whatever he wanted to do. But that was far from his mind. So he had no desire to interact with these men to accept anything they had to offer.

The fact that I was able to find this on the Web in a few minutes, my friends, is why we must protect the net and our rights to freedom of information. I don't know who is being deceptive here, the friend or the feds, but I should be able to hear all sides when a news story hits. Thanks to the Web, you can. I guess the effect of this may be positive if it gets anyone contacted by "al-Quaeda" to call the FBI and the local media right away. The govt says there will be many more of these "domestic cells". BS. There is anger at Bush, but not a generalized anger by Americans against America. That's absurd. If this is all a covert op by the Neocon agenda, people should expose the evil bastards who are trying to frame fellow Americans. Impeach Bush.