Friday, March 26, 2010

Holographic Images as a weapon

I have just watched this interesting video on Holographic Imagery. The suggestion is that the US government is experimenting with holographic images for military and physco-military purposes. Apparently, images and even sound can be generated and cause people to see and hear things that don't really exist. The suggestion is that this could be a source of some UFO related incidents, such as the Phoenix lights and other mass sightings. Although this sounds plausible and perhaps even scientifically probable - It surely cannot be the basis of all UFO and paranormal events. It does sound as if this could have some serious military use and could be used to overpower and mislead an enemy, I find it hard to take that a step further to say that all paranormal events are to be explained this way. In any case - it's worth looking at these clips and to realize that these things are possible and there is reason for caution.

via Authentic UFO's: Holographic Images as a weapon.

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