Friday, May 15, 2009

Al Gore joins Cheney-Obama feud

Gorepg-verticalIn a CNN interview this morning, former Vice President Gore got involved in the political feud over his successor Dick Cheney.

Gore said he wished Cheney would have given President Obama more time in office before criticizing national security policy. A stern critic of Bush policy over the years, Gore told CNN's John Roberts that "I waited for two years after I left office to make statements that were critical, and then of policy."

Cheney has stayed in the news for months, arguing that Obama's decision ending a program of enhanced interrogation techniques undermines national security and makes the U.S. more vulnerable to attack.

Gore, who like Obama has described some of those techniques as torture, questioned Cheney's credibility, citing the Iraq War: "You talk about somebody that shouldn't be talking about making the country less safe, invading a country that did not attack us and posed no serious threat to us at all."

via Al Gore joins Cheney-Obama feud - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency.

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