Thursday, August 20, 2009

5 Species That Seem to be Trying to Take over the Earth

Rich Wallace over at Cracked has an interesting article about some competition we may face for the Earth. I met the ants on my trip to Utah.
... Right now, huge chunks of the Southeastern U.S. pretty much look like the above picture. That stuff that makes it look like God threw a big leafy blanket over everything, is the Kudzu vine.

It dominates the landscape because it is simply the best at what it does, and what it does is grow. Seriously, at a rate of about a foot a day it's like watching time-lapse in real life. Go on vacation for a week, and when you come back you'll find this shit has eaten your car.

via 5 Species That Seem to be Trying to Take over the Earth |

1 comment:

Rich Wallace said...

Thanks for the shout. Glad you enjoyed the article.