Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In case you care... Fox News caught red-handed faking news footage

foxfakeThis should be the nail-in-the-coffin for anyone that thinks that Fox is a 'credible' news source. To my knowledge, this type of blatant fabrication has not been evident on other news channels and puts Fox in a league by itself.  It's sickening.  What has happened to journalistic ethics?! What has happened to integrity?  On to the clip:

- via Daily Show | via ATS

Fox news did get caught red-handed. And sadly, they got caught by the only legitimate news program still on television (which, even more sadly, is on Comedy Central). - ats

"Sean Hannity uses footage of Glenn Beck's bigger protest to make the GOP's health care rally appear more heavily attended." - videosift

... if TDS were lying or fabricating this story, Fox would sue them into oblivion, and Jon Stewart's staff knows this. By that fact alone, TDS, Comedy Central, and their parent companies have to be 100% sure that what they are presenting is ironclad fact.  This isn't about Fox vs. CNN, repub vs. dem or any of that crap. It's about pointing out the absurdity of thinking that some people have regarding the sanctity of Fox. What's it going to take?  I don't care what part of the spectrum you come down on - that clip above destroys any credibility that Fox News has. - ats

CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, who is reporting this? Right. Just Comedy far. Why? What holds the others back? I have no idea.

For real news read a variety of foreign and small local news sources where real reporters still do their jobs every day: Who, what, where, why, when... no spin.


gavin said...

Could you please inform us as to those media outlets where non-biased reporting is being done?

Also, it should be noted that Hannity is not a reporter, and therefore, it is not his job to write, the who, what, where, when, and why. Saying Hannity is biased is like saying the sky is blue. Similarly, no one reports when Rachel Maddow completely butchers constitutional law in order to criticize Scalia.

Ian C. said...

Yeah if media outlets other than fox cite this incident, then they are putting a spotlight on media ethics. No media outlet wants that because they are all guilty.

Cole said...

Uh, all news channels do this. When I say this, I don't mean what it first appears to be. I think you wrote (or it could have been someone else) way back when, about footage of New York City being showed, the report being about weather or something, I can't remember. But the World Trade Center was shown still standing, after the planes had already destroyed them years before.

Stock footage, that's what it could be. Perhaps they couldn't get footage of the real rally, or maybe it got lost. So they might have filled it in with miscellaneous footage of past rallies.

That's just a thought. It could be anything, really. Maybe Fox will issue a statement?