Monday, August 16, 2010

Pledge to support only same sex hospital accommodations

The coalition government has pledged to end most mixed sex hospital accommodation in England.

It says tens of thousands of patients are still being placed in mixed sex wards or bays every year without clinical justification.

Labour committed to the policy when it won power in 1997, but failed to abolish them completely.

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said he was determined to end the practice and will introduce new NHS sanctions.

The move will apply to all wards except intensive care and A&E.

It would mean patients sharing sleeping, bathroom and toilet facilities only with people of the same sex. This could be through single rooms or whole wards occupied by men or women only, or mixed wards in which men and women are separated in bays or rooms ...

via BBC News - Pledge to end mixed sex hospital accommodation.

If I'm going to be sick I'd at least like to have some women around to make it bearable.  Of course, the sick bed sitter in this story needed to be taken outside, but most people are respectful. Once again I think this is a case of our broken logic making us believe something dramatic is also frequent.

Hey, wait... Why not separate all the tall people from the short people too.

And really, it is quite unsavory for all the thin people to have to share with the larger people.

And if you think about it, you have thousands of people with different beliefs in the same hospital. They should each have their own ward...

Here's a bright idea: Let people choose: Would you like to be sick in the same gender or mixed gender area? Let people go where they are most comfortable.

1 comment:

oliver stieber said...

What about all the immigrants, taking up our hospital beds on shared wards.

You know the only reason they aren't talking English, is because there talking about you or planning to plant a bomb.

Personally, I have many many more very close female friends, and most men can't stand me.

I'm much more interested in 'girly' things, and not at-all interested in the mind numbingly boring drivel that most men come out with.

So, at the same time as being sexest, please please make sure that I'm not in the same room as anyone else that I could possibly offend or discriminate against.

Also, I believe that there's a lot of research out there that says people are happier and get better sooner (in general) on mixed sex wards, even better still if they are in rooms not in mass wards with masses of germs and noise and general nastyness about.

Oh, and I also want a ward for ginger people,too. A ward for smokers, a ward with free beer and drugs, a ward with no TV or phones and the opportunity to take the money the NHS would spend on me and use it to offset getting private treatment if I so choose. the NHS seriously needs some competition and often the private sector can do things faster and cheaper than the NHS (e.g. PCTs will set aside around £450+ for an assessment (alone, after large costs may have been incurred in other parts of the NHS first, not to mention loss of income and tax review, benifit payments and the development of other conditions such as depression or family break up, debit, prison, crime) for ADD/
ADHD, it takes months if not years to get and treatment is a post code lottery. This can be done privately for between £150 to £800, about £400 is a good starting point so I've been told. Even the receptionists are friendly, treatment options are good (e.g. they offer medication), and can be passed onto the NHS, it also only takes a matter of weeks.