Sunday, September 28, 2008

Obama slightly widens lead after debate, poll finds him more presidential

Here is some good news for those seeking change. I have to give people credit for this one. I thought McCain's attack stance in the first Presidential debate of 2008 would make him seem stronger and thus he would be seen as more presidential. I'm glad to be wrong in this case. His spot on MTV after the debates didn't hurt either.

Registered voters who watched the first presidential debate preferred Obama over McCain, 49% to 44%, a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg survey shows. ... The much-anticipated first presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama on Friday appears to have helped Obama slightly widen a lead over his Republican opponent, a post-debate Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg survey shows.

Registered voters who watched the debate preferred Obama, 49% to 44%, according to the poll taken over three days after the showdown in Oxford, Miss. ... That is a small gain from a week ago, when a survey of the same voters showed the Democratic candidate with a 48% to 45% edge.

The poll also indicated that the younger, less-experienced Obama has made strides since last week in convincing Americans that he can handle the toughest challenges facing the country, including the economy and international affairs.

Obama was seen as more "presidential" by 46% of the debate watchers, compared with 33% for McCain. ...

The difference is even more pronounced among debate watchers who were not firmly committed to a candidate: 44% said they believed Obama looked more presidential, whereas 16% gave McCain the advantage. - lat

In other words, of the 60% who answered the question that one or the other was more presidential, 73% saw Obama as more presidential.

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