Saturday, September 27, 2008

Quinacrine for chemical sterilization? Bad idea. What is better?

What is the most humane way to stop us from breeding?! If we don't find a way to control ourselves, the planet will do it for us when food and water become scarce and as our pollution causes climate changes which challenge our existence.
Quinacrine (trade name: Atabrine) is a drug with a number of different medical applications being initially used in the 1930s as an antimalarial drug. It has also been used as an antibiotic in the treatment of Giardiasis (an intestinal parasite)[1], and in research as an inhibitor of phospholipase A2. It has also been proposed for use in systemic lupus erythematosus.[2] ...

Controversially, quinacrine has been used as a method of non-surgical sterilisation. This method [3], was developed by Zipper et al who reported a first year failure rate of 3.1%.[4] Pellets of quinacrine and an anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen are inserted through the cervix into a woman's uterine cavity using a preloaded inserter device, similar in manner to IUCD insertion. The procedure is undertaken twice, first in the proliferative phase 6th to 14th of the menstrual cycle and again one month later. The sclerosing effects of the drugs at the utero-tubal junctions (where the Fallopian tubes enter the uterus) results in scar tissue forming over a six week interval to close off the tubes permanently.

In over 30,000 cases of quinacrine pellet sterilizations in Vietnam, 10,000 cases in India and 5000 cases in other regions not a single death has been reported;[5] which compares to the fatality rates of surgical sterilizations of 21 per 100,000 in India,[6] and in the US & UK of respectively 10 & 2 per 100,000.[7] ...

Use of quinacrine for sterilization is highly controversial. The two leading promoters of quinacrine sterilization are Dr. Elton Kessel and Stephen Mumford, who both previously worked for the Family Health International (FHI), a non-profit agency that funded quinacrine research in Chile during the 1970s. Subsequent funding from the conservative Leland Fikes Foundation and the Scaife Family Foundation made it possible for Mumford and Kessel to provide quinacrine free of charge to researchers, clinicians, and government health agencies worldwide. Mumford and Kessel's gifts of quinacrine were made possible not only through family foundations, but also through the financial support of individuals such as Sarah G. Epstein and Donald Collins, both board members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), an organization advocating reduced immigration.

Risks of quinacrine sterilization include cancer, development of abnormal lesions in the uterus, severe pain, ectopic pregnancy and fetal exposure.[citation needed] The pellets have already been banned in India and Chile (Wall Street Journal, 10/19/98).

Quinacrine has never been approved by the FDA for sterilization. Despite this fact, Kessel and Mumford have solicited abortion providers in the United States to perform quinacrine sterilization. According to Kessel, official government approval through the FDA would have been "desirable but not necessary" because the FDA permits approved drugs to be used "off-label." The FDA, however, disagreed and in October 1998, it ordered Kessel and Mumford to destroy their existing supply of quinacrine tablets and to immediately stop all export and distribution of the drug. The FDA stated that quinacrine used for sterilizations was an "unapproved new drug and a misbranded drug in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act." and was an "unsafe use of this drug product.", with the FDA being "very concerned about the safety risks associated with the use of this drug and its effects on women and the fetus if a woman is or becomes pregnant." In addition to forbidding the marketing of quinacrine in the United States for sterilization purposes, the Warning Letter forbade the import of the drug into the United States or its exporting to another country. - wikipedia

The drug RU-486 is approved by the FDA to terminate pregnancy, but has side effects. There seems to be nothing completely safe and painless to prevent the human population from continuing to expand.

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