Sunday, May 31, 2009

New Free Xeno Song: "Works Out Fine"

Check the area on the left for my latest song, "Works Out Fine."

I'm trying to write more optimistic stuff.

I was thinking about the soldiers in the news who are killing themselves due to war stress. Brain experiments have recently shown that there is no free will...  so everything they did, they had to do.  This might be a source of comfort. Then again, the part they had to play included their exit. After something happens, you can say that it was all pre-written.

Note: Download if you like because I delete old versions and upload the latest mixes from time to time.

Comments & suggestions welcome!

Works Out Fine

c2009 by Xeno

Every day
a thousand things can make you say, "no way"
Don't deny
that sense is tough to make and so we fight

To make our picture of the universe
the only possibility
So everyone is wrong but me
And I should get some kind of award
or reward or something
you'll see

Right, I'm totally right inside this song
I wrote it that way, wrote you wrong
Wrote me right
inside a scene where you get everything
that you ever wanted

Everything works out fine
In this world of mine
I came up with a good design
love how it works out

Its okay, everything's supposed to be this way
All you've done, everything you did, you had to
Gone now all gone
Every problem that perplexed you once
is melted by the sun


dogsounds said...

I am detecting a hint of E.L.O. influence there - good man!

Jes said...

Hey, Nice song! I would only add an electric guitar lead to the middle (nothing to busy and emphasizing the melody)then pull the background harmonies back in the mix to let the lead guitar drive the song for a few measures. For me, it would bring it all together. Love the theme and the little hooks. Bravo!

I think the world is craving a song like this right now! I bet you have a hit on your hands ;)


Xeno said...

Thanks mucho. Added some guitar to the middle and a few other tweaks. Let me know if it is better.