Thursday, July 15, 2010

25,000 hits yesterday! Fab four? State fair? Daily Brainstorm?

My daily hits jumped yesterday to 25,000 in one day yesterday, making my quick post about the Fab Four live and opening day of the California Sate Fair a record for the month. (My all time high, however, was a few years ago when I hit over 2 million in one day with my absurd "Secret Finger Trick" page. )

The Daily BrainstormIs this surge yesterday the result of my joining a blog collective known as "The Daily Brainstorm"?

I'm excited about some of the titles I read but haven't had time to read much over there yet.

If you are new this site, browse a bit. Check out the past entries. I guarantee you'll find  some mind blowing stuff.

- Xeno


Cole said...

What section is your blog under on that site?

Xeno said...

Not sure, might not be there yet. I still have to send them photo. Which could mean the leap in readers was due to interest in the Fab Four and the Fair.