Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Since UFO Sighting, Stan Romanek Claims Extraterrestrials Haunt Him

Stan Romanek says he encountered his first UFO on the outskirts of Denver almost eight years ago.

"It was just after dark," he said. "And I looked up and there was this big red blue looking UFO."

In 2000, Romanek's video camera caught a shaky bright light in the sky. Others in the park that same night say they witnessed it too and the video made it onto the local news.

But that was only the beginning for Romanek, 46, who belongs to a growing community of believers who say they have been personally touched by extraterrestrials. Since then, Romanek says he has been abducted by other forms of life.

"What they are? I couldn't tell you. Are they from a different planet? I can't tell you. I know they're not human, whatever they are," he told ABC News. "But as far as I'm concerned, they're not from here."

Romanek captured the alleged sightings of extraterrestrials on video and showed "Primetime" the evidence of his contact with extraterrestrials.

Romanek said his first UFO sighting occurred in broad daylight, while he was driving his car near Denver's red rocks amphitheater in September 2001. Afterwards, he said, he began seeing UFOs all the time and could barely look up without seeing some strange light or "orb" in the sky. omanek said his first UFO sighting occurred in br

"If you're a true experiencer, true abductee, you have what's called high strangeness," Romanek said. "All these weird, bizarre paranormal things start to happen, almost like your house is ... being haunted."

Over the years, Romanek claims his wristwatch stopped working, lights would flicker at his mere presence, and birds would crash into his car.

via Since UFO Sighting, Stan Romanek Claims Extraterrestrials Haunt Him - ABC News.

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