Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Government can kill anyone covertly without a trial?

If you think the kill switch on the Internet is bad, that's nothing... it seems there is also a kill switch the government has for US citizens. How long will it take for these two God powers to go from being rarely to frequently used? If the two powers are used together, you'll never know the answer to that. Accidents happen every day.

June 29, 2010. Methods used will be poisoning, road traffic accidents, lethal vaccinations, being shot in the head, being abducted and tortured, disappearance and anyway that makes out it was accidental death thus saving on paperwork and inquiries. U.S. intelligence will covertly assess your behavior and movements then base the assassination around your everyday activities. This law will be abused and no one will know ;)

Ladies and Gentleman, the U.S. Government has just declared war on the general public.

But seriously, "the U.S. Government" is not the problem. We are the US government. We pay for it, we own it and we can change it. Well, that was true once. But in our laziness, we gave away our power. Now the lack of checks and balances is the problem. How do we fix this? Just put anyone in Government in jail who is on record violating their oath to uphold and defend the constitution. It is that simple.

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