Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hologram TVs that will put you IN the action in development

A hologram of Princess Leia appears in the film Star Wars. Such technology could be in the shops within the decadeThousands of football fans are investing in cutting-edge 3D TVs for the World Cup in South Africa. But viewers could soon watch matches on holographic TVs that would make you feel like you were actually at the game.

Holo-TVs will resemble a large book laid out on the floor, according to Sony engineers. Lasers will then project a 'cloud' of images that will appear to float in the middle of the room and can be enjoyed from every angle WITHOUT 3D glasses.

It may sound like an implausible technology more suited to Star Wars films than real life, but industry leaders are taking it very seriously indeed.

NHK, the Japanese equivalent of the BBC, have committed to selling the first holo-TV by 2020, and earmarked £2.8billion for the ambitious project.

Japan are so confident they have offered holographic broadcasts to the globe as part of their bid of the 2022 World Cup.

The images would be captured from 360 degrees by 200 high-definition cameras during each match and then transmitted as three-dimensional images, a technology that has been driven by Japan's electronics giants.

The matches could be projected like a real match onto a pitches around the world, giving viewers the illusion of watching the real thing.

Microphones installed below the pitch where the actual game is taking place would record all sounds, including the ball being kicked and the referee's whistle, to create an ultra-realistic digital version.

via Hologram TVs that will put you IN the action in development | Mail Online.

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