Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stuff in the news today: UFO in Peru, Politics as Usual, Banjo Brain Surgury, and Lead that floats

The Washington Post has endorsed  Barack Obama for President.

Glen Beck is moving to Fox News where he belongs. He's a paranoid right wing nutcase, but I do agree with some of the things he has said recently about the economy.

The EPA is slashing the amount of lead allowed in the air by 90%.  All this time I thought lead was so heavy that it wouldn't usually be found floating around in the air.  90% of 0 is the same as 5% of 0, isn't it?  But surprise, there IS lead in the air, and it causes brain damage, heart problems, kidney problems and more. In California, the lead comes mostly from Miss Alleneous. She's not very unleaded.

In the odd news area, the BBC has some film of a famous Bluegrass musician, Eddie Adcock, playing the banjo during his brain operation. They are treating him with deep brain stimulation (DBS), which in his case involved implanting electrodes into his thalamus. His tremors caused him to lose his ability to play fast, so the surgeons had him play the banjo to pinpoint exactly where the electrodes were most effective.  No word on if it worked.

In the UFO world, something odd was sighted and filmed in Peru:

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