Thursday, June 3, 2010

BP lowers US oil-spill cap, oil finds a way around?

Update: June 03, 2010In the above video you can see BP oil spill top hat caps well. They placed the containment dome successfully on the top of the leaking oil pipe which was cut off by giant shears earlier today. The dome now will funnel some of the oil to a containment ship on the surface. BP is hoping that hydrates will not form in the pipe which brings the oil to the surface. They are pumping methanol to the dome to prevent the pipe from getting blocked. The spill has been capped.

... capped but still blasting out oil!

...After they capped it the oil flowed around the cap and came back up. All i saw was black oil before the cap and black oil after the cap. So what is the cap supposed to do again?


Oil firm BP is preparing to lower a capping device on to a leaking oil well, in the second phase of its latest attempt to stem the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

BP chief Tony Hayward said the results of the capping effort would be known on Friday. In the first phase of the effort, robots managed to cut a leaking pipe.

Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama said he had not seen "the kind of rapid response" he would have liked. In an interview with CNN, he said BP had already "felt his anger" over the spill.

He is due to visit the gulf on Friday - his third trip to the area since the leak began six weeks ago.

The White House has been under increasing pressure to show the administration is in control of the response and clean-up efforts. The government said it would send a $69m £47.1m bill to BP on Thursday for expenditure incurred from its response to the spill.

via BBC News - BP set to lower US oil-spill cap.

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