Monday, February 21, 2011

Blocking enzyme cut cancer spread

Migrating Cancer CellScientists at the UK's Institute of Cancer Research have prevented breast cancer spreading to other organs in mice by blocking a chemical.

In their experiments, they showed that blocking the enzyme LOXL2 prevented metastasis.

They said their findings, published in Cancer Research, provided a "fantastic drug target" and were "highly likely" to be used in a clinical setting.

Cancer charities say the research shows great promise.

The authors of the report say 90% of cancer deaths are due to tumours migrating around the body.

When they looked at patients with breast cancer, they showed that high levels of the enzyme LOXL2 were linked with cancer spread and poor survival rates.

They also showed that LOXL2 was important in the early stages of cancer spread. It helps cancerous cells escape from the breast tissue and get into the bloodstream.

In their studies on mice, they used chemicals and antibodies to block the activity of LOXL2. This stopped breast cancer spreading to other tissues. ...

via BBC News - Blocking enzyme cut cancer spread.

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