Thursday, February 10, 2011

The head-shaving helmet?

Jennifer Madison - It makes the traditional shave look like something from the dark ages.

A New York resident has created a head-shaving helmet that speeds through the job in just 20 seconds.

The headgear has four blades powered by two motors mounted on Teflon-coated aluminium rails, complete with a shaving cream injection system.

It also boasts LED lights which indicate when the cycle is over - and its user can breathe a sigh of relief.

In a video posted on, the inventor, introduced simply as Boris, is shown testing his contraption on a brave volunteer.

Strapping on the device onto his bare head, the test subject understandably pleads with his counterpart to 'pray for me' before the switch is turned on.

Sporting a quizzical look, the man describes the sensation as 'a little strange' as the razors shave the little left of his hair.

Meanwhile, Boris does his best to convince sceptics scared of gruesome injury, suggesting that head-shaving helmet won't leave its users bloodied and reaching for a bandage.

Explaining the advantage of using his device, the Brooklynite says, 'When you shave your head manually you move back and forth and laterally, which is what the helmet is doing right now, times four.'

Luckily, the demo goes off without a nick. ...

via The head-shaving helmet: New device nicks minutes off hair grooming regime | Mail Online.

Reader comment at the Daily Mail web site:

More top quality reporting from the DM! If past experience is anything to go by, you'll run another story in a day or two poking fun at those who were taken in by this hoax. Whilst carefully not mentioning that your reporter was top of the list.

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