Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stephen Colberg is Anonymous. ;-)

Stephen Colbert is AnonymousAll the conspiracy folk out there should love this one: a few nights ago, Stephen Colbert had Glenn Greenwald on to discuss the showdown between security firm HBGary and the Wikileaks-supporting internet 'vigilante' hacking group Anonymous which has been making news of late. Towards the end of the interview, keen-eyed viewers may have picked up a little 'video glitch' - and if they were interested enough, they may have investigated further and found this 'subliminal' one-frame overlay on top of Colbert's face...

Yes that's right - Colbert has a Guy Fawkes mask graphic over his face, a symbol intimately associated with 'Anonymous', derived from the Alan Moore comic series 'V for Vendetta'. Here's some video from the interview so you can see the subliminal insert (at around 4:22 into the video):


via Daily Grail Frontpage | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History.

This video cracked me up.


Mirlen101 said...

Oh God ! That is so hilarious ! ;-)
Not the subliminal the rest of it ;-|

Posky said...

I thought the clip was great and hope that it's legitimate. It seems like Colbert and his staff support the freedom of information and are probably more familiar with anonymous than most.

Posky said...

I know a few comedy writers, that have made references that indicate they probably hang out on a few select boards and web forums.