Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fat Man Running: Former Sumo Champ Does Marathon

Kelly GneitingHow can you lose 3.8 pounds in just in 9 hours, 48 minutes and 42 seconds?

Run the L.A. Marathon!

Former sumo wrestler Kelly Gneiting left the starting line weighing exactly 400 pounds... and when he arrived at the finish, he was down to a svelte 396.2 pounds, according to the Daily Mail.

He became the fattest man to finish a marathon -- and even beat his own personal best, set when he was just 275 pounds, by two hours.

"I'd like to see the Kenyan improve his marathon time by two hours," he joked after the race.

And for you men planning to get married, there's a lesson/warning in this for you: Gneiting says he was just 200 pounds when wed.

"Suddenly, jeez, I didn't need to attract anyone," he said. "I just kind of let myself go."

Fortunately, he found his place in the world of amateur sumo -- and even won U.S. titles in 2005, 2006 and 2007.

And now, he's got a record of his own... if not exactly one most people aspire to.

via Fat Man Running: Former Sumo Champ Does Marathon.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Wiki- Sumo wrestlers "often develop diabetes, high blood pressure, and are prone to heart attacks. The excessive intake of alcohol [in the form of beer during meals to gain weight] can lead to liver problems and the [excessive weight causes] stress on their joints [which] can cause arthritis." And, their life expectancy is about 10 years less than the average Japanese male.